Chapter 15

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Your p.o.v*

It had been 4 days since my date with Leo. He had been spending time with his mum and Antonio, and his grandparents, since they haven't seen him in 5 months, and won't for another.

But today Charlie was coming home with his girlfriend, from Bristol.

We were all going out on a double date thing, but I wasn't sure where, Leo said he was going to surprise me.

I got out of my pajamas and stepped into the small, claustrophobic shower cubical. I spent 15 minutes vigorously rubbing my orange shampoo into my tangled, soaked curls.

After arguing with myself that, yes, I did have to get out whether I like it or not, I stepped into the cold, outside world that is my bathroom.

I wrapped the warm fluffy towel around my chest, and walked into my bedroom.

I gave me curls a short blast with the hairdryer, and left them to dry naturally.

I foraged through my wardrobe, looking for a cute, yet casual outfit for  the hot summers weather outside.

After rummaging for a mere 10 minutes for an outfit, I eventually decided on my jack wills denim shorts, with my Rolling Stones T-shirt slightly tucked into the waist.

I thrashed my brush through my tangled curls, before drowning it in water spray, as if it were a forest fire!

I slapped my treble clef necklace over my head, and wrapped my pandora around my wrist.

I heard a knock at the door, and my mums voice,
"Hey Leo!"

"Hey Mrs Littewood! Is Harriet ready?"

"I should hope so! Teenage girls, taking so long"

"Haha, well I don't mind!"

I could literally hear his cheeky grin, his eyebrows raising as the corners of his mouth raised ear to ear.

I quickly slapped on my Nike airs, and tugged the laces together. I shoved my headphones, phone, purse and £20 into my handbag, before doing a final makeup check.


I said as I rushed down the stairs.
I saw Leondre standing in the doorway, his eyes lighting up as I jogged downstairs.

"Hey Leo!"

"Hey Harry! You ready ba-"

He looked at my mum, she had a smile on her face and her eyebrows raised.


My mum nodded her head, winking as if to say  that's better.

"Now you kids take care, stay safe!"

"I'll look after her Mrs.Littlewood!"

He put his hand on my back and took me out of the door, waving at my mum politely.

"Have a nice day miss!"

"Call me Jane."
Woah.. Was my mum okay?

Thanks if your still reading, it means a lot! Okay so I appreciate that it's been pretty boring and soppy and the same so far, but I'm telling you, it's about to get good!
I haven't had chance to publish in a while, been busy asking people if they wanted to partake in my fanfic! (Hence Sophie and Emily!)
So thanks for reading and hope you enjoy what's next to come! You won't be disappointed :)

Thanks so much again! xx
~ Georgia.

Insta ~ @curly.fry.devries


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