Chapter Two - Friends

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The boys sat around camp and listened to Chris lecture them about mysteriously disappearing.
"we got lost Chris calm down okay. "Dan said trying to calm his best friend.
" yeah nothing happened" phil continued
"let's just forget last night ever happened" Phil added.
Phil looked over to Dan to see the brunette was staring right at him with a bewildered expression.
"just don't go off tonight please " Chris sighed standing up and walking towards the tent.
" anyone fancy a swim? "he chirped before disappearing into the tent.
Dan and Phil looked at each other in panic.
What we're they going to tell Chris?
How could they explain that once they touched water they turned into a fish?
"this stays between us" Dan spoke Phil looked at him with a cheeky smirk.
"it's like we're married. "
" the actual fuck Phil" Dan chuckled
"you know the 'this stays between us' be there for each other through thick and thin the 'I do' "
Dan rolled his eyes.
" whatever. Just don't tell anyone"
Phil shuffled and squated opposite Dan.
"this is as much my secret than yours you know." Phil stood tall stretching his arms out.
"we can tell Chris right, my parents maybe? " he continued.
" no Phil. This stays between us. The more people that know the more likely we will end up in trouble..."
"why would you be in trouble? "Chris asked as he exited the tent wearing nothing but a pair of swim shorts.
Dan and Phil looked at each other eyes wide.
" nothing " they blurted in unison.
Chris looked confused before making a beeline towards the water.

Dan and Phil followed behind not quite as excited as Chris to get into the salty ocean.

" come in the waters great! "Chris yelped as he splashed water around him.
" um I'm okay -" Dan started.
Chris had struck his hands upon the water sending drops flying towards Dan at a sudden speed. Dan held his arms out in front of him palms flat and his arms tense preparing for the water to hit him and for him to flop on the sand like the fish boy he had become. However it didn't happen.
Phil watched as the water hurtling towards Dan froze and dropped back into the water with a small splash.

Phil looked at Dan. Did he do that?
How did he do that.
Dan looked back at Phil their eyes meeting in panic. The intensity of the stare caused both boys hearts to beat faster and there faces to flash a pink colour.
"did you do that? " Phil whispered to fan hoping Chris who was splashing around in the water didn't hear.
" I don't know. "Dan replied sounding slightly excited.
Dan looked at Phil with a large smile.
" wait one sec I will be back " Dan smiled as he whizzed past Phil.

Phil looked at the water in front of him.
Chris looked like he was enjoying himself. Phil would have loved to join him but he didn't want to anger Dan. He wasn't sure if it was the fact that they shared a secret or not but Phil felt drawn to Dan. He was the only thing Phil wanted to look at. In his eyes he was beautiful. It was a shame Dan seemed to hate him.
"Phil fill this up a bit" Dan yelled as he ran towards Phil and chucked a plastic cup at him. It landed with a gentle thud in the warm golden sand.
Phil leaned over to pick it up.
He bought the cup up to the ocean and let a wave fill the cup half way.
"throw it at me" Dan ordered.
"Are you crazy? "Phil started," Chris will see! "
" just do it OK. " Dan pleaded. Of course Phil could not let Dan down and flung the contents of the cup towards Dan.
Dan held his hands out towards the water his palms flat. The water stopped moving towards him and froze in the air for a brief second before falling towards the sand.
"that was awesome. " Phil smiled his tongue poking out the side of his mouth.
Dan was looking at his hands in amazement all he could do was nod.
" try me! "Phil cried throwing the cup at Dan.
" that was wet! "Dan cried.
" that's what she said! "Chris yelped from the water winking at the two.
Dan bent over to fill up the cup and phils eyes grazed over his body. His blue polo shirt was creased and a bit sandy his boxers were sticking out from were his shorts were hanging of his hips.
Dan stood and Phil averted his eyes he would be very embarrassed if Dan saw he was checking him out.
"ready? "Dan asked as Phil nodded.
Dan flung the contents of the cup towards Phil. His arms were outstretched his fingers slightly apart as the water neared him he flicked his wrist and sent the water flying back in the opposite direction and covering Dan.
He looked Over at Phil with a look that would kill. He panicked and ran towards the water his legs almost dancing as he ran he felt his body go limp and he dove into the blue abyss. His body transformed as Dan swam a little further out so that Chris wouldn't see him.
"yay Dan! "Chris yelled thinking Dan was joining him for a swim.
" Dan? "Chris questioned after his best friend didn't breach after a few seconds.
He shrugged it off and carried on playing and splashing

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