Chapter 7.

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Monday. Again.

I wake up to the constant ringing of my alarm. I tap my phone screen until the racket stops. I rub my eyes and push back the covers, slipping out of bed. I head into the bathroom and wash my face; I also brush my teeth before shuffling back into my room. I pull off my pyjamas and drag my uniform onto my body. I slump onto the dressing table stall, yawning. I rub my tired eyes and add some concealer and mascara before putting on my glasses. I add a dab of lipstick and fix my bed hair. Once I look presentable I grab my phone and head downstairs.

"Toast or cereal?" My dad smiles.

"Um, toast please." I say heaving myself onto a stall.

I eat my toast and grab myself a bottle of water before stuffing my dance kit and gymnastic uniform into my school bag, along with my lunch and books. I push my feet into my Vans and say goodbye to everyone before heading out the door. I take a sip of my water and head down the road in the direction of the bus stop.

"Hey! You okay?" Daisy says giving me a hug.

"Yeah thanks, you?"

"Yeah, I'm alright!" She nods.

I look down at my phone as it lights up in my hand. I frown and swipe across the screen opening a message from Ruby.

From Ruby: Hey, I'm not going to be in today, helping the family with something.x

"Ruby's not in today." I say. "Helping the family."

"Oh right okay." Daisy frowns.

To Ruby: Okay, have fun, see you tomorrow.x

We wait for another 10 minutes and the bus finally pulls up. I'm stepping onto the bus when I hear shouting down the road.

"STOP!" Carter calls running towards us.

"Hurry up slow coach!" I laugh, shaking my head.

We all head to the back of the bus and make our way to school. We wait in the entrance until the bell goes, then we walk to tutor. We sit in the silent room for 20 minutes until we are told to go to first lesson. I walk down the corridor heading to dance when someone walks past me, knocking my shoulder with force.

"Hey, watch where your going!" I say frowning.

"Oh sorry... princess." One of Luke's friends says sarcastically.

I tut and roll my eyes, walking away. I enjoy my dance lesson as we are studying street at the moment. Second lesson drags so much: maths. I can't stand maths! I'm so bad at it. None of the information sinks in. I'm relieved when the bell finally goes signify break. I see Carter and Daisy waiting by the corner of the field. I wave and get their attention. I'm walking to them, when I come into contact with the rough ground. Pain rushes into the palms of my hands and my bare leg. I hear people sniggering.

"Sorry... princess." Another one of Luke's friend says.

They are doing this on purpose.

I close my eyes and wince at the pain as I push myself up. Carter rushes over helping me up, closely followed by Daisy. I feel the trickle of blood making its way down my leg. The palms of my hands are raw, throbbing.

"Lets take you to medical." Daisy says.

They hold me up as I hobble inbetween them. I sit down on the medical bed and the nurse cleans up my wounds. She bandages up my leg and puts plasters on my hands. I thank her and hobble off to my next lesson; English. The pain in my hands subside during the lesson, but the pain in my leg only hurts more. The bell goes and I pack up my things, limping up the field to Carter and Daisy.

"How's the patient?" Daisy jokes.

I roll my eyes and chuckle. I slump down onto the grass next to Carter and pull out a bag of crisps. Us three are minding our own business when we all glance over to the direction of people shouting. I squint into the distance.

"COW!" Someone shouts before they all burst out laughing.

"Whose that aimed at?" Carter says furrowing his eyebrows.

"Me, probably." I sigh.

"But why though?" Daisy says confused.

"Oh, I didn't tell you. I refused to give it another try with him."

"Ohhhh!" She says nodding.

Thankfully the rest of the day goes pretty quickly. At the end of the day I hobble onto the bus and head over to the gymnastic studio. I limp down the street and are greeted by a familiar man from the magazine company.

"Ah Ava! I was just wondering if you could answer a few question?" He smiles.

"Yeah sure!"

"Great!" He says fumbling for his recorder. "How did you feel when you won second place on Saturday?"

"I was really please! It was the first time I'd ever competed with anyone over the age of 18, so to get such a high place is really good!" I smile.

"What are your upcoming plans?"

"Well, I've got nationals in 4 weeks, so I'm going to be training for that. And me and the rest of Spotlights are running classes with younger children to get them into gymnastics."

"Sounds fun! One more question, what happened to your hands and leg!?"

"Oh, I fell over at school!" I chuckle. "Clumsy me."

The man takes a photo and thanks me before I enter the studio. I change into my leotard and pull on a pair of loose, fabric shorts. I hobble over to my trainer on the spring floor.

"Hey, can I spot the others training today? My legs really hurting."

"What have you done!?" She says shocked.

"Got tripped over at school." I sigh.

"Yeah, sure." She says. "If you want you can help Zoe spot Elsie on the tumble track."

"Okay, thanks!"

I stay at the studio until 6pm. The pain in my leg still hasn't subsided. I pull out my phone and click onto my dad's contact.

To Dad: Hey, is there any chance you could pick me up?x

I wait a few minutes until I get a reply back.

From Dad: No sorry! I'm teaching a class down the studio. Ask your mum.x

I sigh and compose the same message to my mum. I sit down on the bench outside and wait. I hope she can pick me up.

From Mum: Sorry Ava, I'm making Lib tea.x

Great. Looks like I'm walking. I heave myself up and trudge down the street. It takes me twice as long to get home as I'm walking slower. I open the front door and limp inside. I dump my bag by the door and heave myself upstairs, slightly annoyed. I slump onto my bed and slowly begin to undo the dressing on my leg. I grimace at the sight that I reveal. Most of the one side of my left leg is all scraped up- blood everywhere. I wince as I try to clean it up abit more.

"Nope, not happening." I mumble to myself as it stings.

I'm not that hungry, so I stay in my room. I climb into bed and rest my bad leg above the covers. I peel of the plasters on my hands, inspecting the damage. Not to bad... just a few cuts and scrapes. I grab my phone and hold it above my head, scrolling through twitter. I make a big swipe with my phone and loose grip.

"F*cker." I curse as it bounces of my nose. 

I rub my nose and pick my phone back up. Today has not been my day.


What are Luke's friends playing at?

I've got my braces off and I'm so happy with the results! Finally got a straight smile! :D

Anyway hope you enjoyed this part, feedback always loved!x

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