Chapter 17.

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I wake up to the familiar surroundings of my bedroom. I slip back the covers and step out of bed, steadying myself. I push my feet into my slippers and shuffle into the bathroom. I switch on the shower and watch the water falling down the drain. I peel off my pyjamas and step under the hot water. I let it run over my body, soothing my aching muscles. 

Once I've had a well needed wash, I turn off the shower and grab a towel. I dry my body and head back into my bedroom. I hold my towel around myself with one hand and flick through my clothes with my other.

"Nope, ew! Why did I even buy that? Nope... I have nothing to wear." I mumble to myself.

I pull on some light grey joggers and a white crop top. I stand in front of the mirror and check out my outfit. I look down at myself, then back at the mirror. I sigh and trace the bruises creeping out from underneath my crop top. I pull it off and slip on a darker grey tee. I sit down and push my feet into my converse. I tie the laces into neat bows, then slump down at my dressing table. I plug in my hairdryer and blow dry my hair.

"Jesus Christ!" I say looking at the ball of frizzy hair surrounding my face.

I plug in my straighteners and begin to tackle my so-called hair. After a good 30 minutes, my hair finally looks presentable. I add a touch of makeup, before grabbing my phone and heading downstairs. I pop my head into the living room and see Lib watching Hannah Montana.

"Hey Lib!" I smile.

"Hi.." She replies, her eyes glued to the screen.

I unlock my phone and click on Carter's contact. It rings out a few times before he answers.

'Morning beautiful, how are you feeling?'

'Yeah, I'm better.' I say smiling at my dad as he enters the kitchen.

'Good, what you doing today?'

'Well I was wondering if you would come with me to Spotlights?' I ask.

'Yeah sure! I will head over to yours now!'

'Thankyou, see you soon.'

I place my phone down on the kitchen counter and grab myself a bottle of cold water out of the fridge. I tap my fingers on the condensed bottle and wait for the familiar knock on the door. I slip off the stall and pick up my phone. I head down the hallway and open the door, embracing Carter into a hug.

"I'll see you later." I call back into the house.

I step outside and close the door behind me. Me and Carter walk down the drive and turn in the direction of the gymnastic studio. Carter links his hand with mine, I look down and smile.

"Are you excited to see all the gym people again?" 

"Yeah! I haven't seen them in ages! I've really missed them."

We arrive at the Spotlight studio and head inside. I put my finger to my lips, telling Carter to be quiet. I pull open the door of the training room and sneak inside.

"Hey guys!" I beam.

Before I know it a swarm of people in leotards come rushing over to me, pulling me into a big hug. I take a sharp intake of breath as someone knocks into my ribs. I try to ignore the throbbing pain that's growing.

"So, when will you be back?" A lot of them ask.

"No for a while." I sigh. "I broke three ribs and have a small tear on my intestines- no flips for me!"

I hear a few of the younger girls gasp and some of the mums look sorry for me. Me and Carter stay and watch them rehearse for a few hours before I start to feel exhausted. I rest my head on Carter's shoulder and my eyes begin to slowly shut.

"Ava?" Someone says gently shaking me. "Lets get you home."

Carter picks me up and carries me all the way home. I told him many times that I would walk, but he insisted he would carry me- not that I'm complaining! When we get home, Carter drops me onto the sofa and sits down next to me.

"Mummy told me to give you this." Lib says passing me a bowl of popcorn.

"Tell mummy I said thankyou!" I chuckle.

I pass Carter the popcorn and stand up, heading over to our stack of films. I flick through them and pick out my two favourites.

"The Hunger Games or The Maze Runner?"

"The Maze Runner." Carter calls back.

"Good choice!" I chuckle.

I pop out the dvd and slot it into the side of the TV. I grab the remote and slump back down onto the sofa. I heave my legs up and rest them on Carters. I drop my hand into the bowl and pull out a handful of popcorn.

"Greedy!" Carter jokes.

"It's my popcorn!" I chuckle.

We spend most of the night on the sofa, stuffing our faces and watching movies. It's the most fun I've had in a long time. And I thank Carter for all of it. I head upstairs and change into my panda onesie. I remove my makeup and shuffle back downstairs.

"What do you look like!" Carter says bursting into a fit of laughter.

"What?! Do you not like my panda onesie?" I say looking down.

He doesn't reply, he's too busy in uncontrollable laughter.


Hope you enjoyed this part!

I'm working on a new book for when this one is finished... 

Thankyou for commenting, I really love replying to them :)x

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