My brother's bestfriend

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   Huddled in a corner of the bus,I could see my reflection in the window,I could see the bump and could see them silently judging me,looking at me with diguse in their eye.If only they knew what happened.If only they knew who this to me.

    It all happened two years.I was walking home from my brother's grave.His name was Hunter and he suffered with cancer for 6 years before he passed away.I was twelve and he was sixtenn when he died.He was my brother,my protector and my best friend.As I was walking home it was late and i had my guard down because I was thinking about Hunter.Suddenly a hand wrapped around my waist and a piece of cotton was placed to my mouth.That's all I remember before I slipped into a dark pool of unconsciousness.

  When I woke up that day I was tied to a metal chair in a stuffy room which i presumed to be a basement.From that moment on I was living a nightmare.It turned out that three men in their 30's had kidnapped me.They had no reason to except for the fact that they wanted to have a bit of fun.For months they abused me in all ways possible.I was starving.I wasn't fed regulary.I thought I was going to die.I gave up all hope hope.This went on for a total of two and a half years.I was nearly sixteen.Then I heard the words that I never thought I'd hear and I knew that somebody has answered my prayers.

'Open the door' The deep voice boomed and echoed through the basement.

People started shouting and I knew I recognised one of them.It was Asher,Hunter's bestfriend.

    I used all of the strength that was left in me and I screamed for help.I saw the door fly open and Asher bursted through it.He ran straight to me.I latched onto his neck and cried.They weren't sad tears.They were happy ones.He cut all the ropes off of me and carried me out of the house.On our way I caught sight of the three men.They were hancuffed and in the police car.

   I spent the next few weeks in hospital because I was malnourished and had a lot of injuries.All my doctors,nurses,counsellors and visitors had to be girls.This was because if i was around them I would get horrible flashbacks and I would have a breakdown there and then.The only exception was Asher,he stayed by my side all day every day.He was the only one I trusted.

    I got told a lot of heartbreaking news about my injuries and conditions but the one that was the hardest to deal with was the fact that I was pregnant,two months to be exact.The doctors offered me the option of abortion but I couldn't.I couldn't kill an innocent child.After all it's not the child's fault that its father is a monster.

     Now I'm here sitting on a bus,eight months pregnant and only sixteen .I was still mentally scarred and I think that I always will be.I can be near men now but I can't talk to them.Asher could see that I was being paranoid by all the people's cold stares because of the deep frown lines in my forehead,so he did the thing he always does when I'm like this.He grabbed my hand and squeezed it and with his other hand smoothed out my frown lines and kissed my forehead.I gave him a thankful smile and leaned my head onto his shoulder and closed my eyes.I know at this point that I will be fine as long as I had my boyfriend,Asher.

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