A hole in their armour

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                I sit in my bedroom, staring out the window at the sunset smearing red across the horizon. As my eyes begin to droop shut, I see a tall figure dart across my back yard. My eyes snap open and I rush to the back door, throwing it open just as Izaiah was raising his fist to knock.

 “Izaiah.” It was out of my mouth as soon as I saw his face; bruised and bloody. I wordlessly pulled him into a hug.

“Adri, it was worse.” He muttered into my light brown hair. I knew what he was referring to, he had abusive parents.  “They had a knife.” I brought him inside, sure, I my parents where absent-minded and left me alone most of the time, but at least I knew they loved me. He pulled out of my hug and went over to the over-stuffed couch situated in my living room. I follow him and sit across from him,

“Izaiah, remember what I said last time something like this happened?” My voice was an octave higher than I wanted as I brought up what we had concocted nearly a year prior. Running away.

 I had a bag of his clothes stored in a bag under my bed and plenty of food along with it.

 “I don’t want you to get hurt.” Was all my best friend said to me, I stood up and go up to my room, mentally checking off the contents of our bag.

My clothes, check. Izaiah’s clothes, check. Hunting knife, check. Food, plenty. Polysporin, check. Band-aids, check.

                I bring the dark green bag downstairs and hand it to Izaiah, who was staring out the window thoughtfully, “Where will we go?” He asks as I sit down beside him,

“North. We’ll start off following the railway track and then break off west and spend the night at the lake.” I had this planned out, I hand him the map with a neat path marked on it.

 “We should go now.” Was all he said before we head out, it must have looked strange, the six foot something guy trailing behind the five foot even girl as they head into the sparse woods to the side of the plain white house.

                We had been walking for a good solid four hours. I was tired and I had slowed to a crawl beside Izaiah, “We’re close to the lake, Adri.” He told me as I trip over what must be the five thousandth raised track piece. As I muttered a curse we cut away from the railroad quickly and in around twenty minutes, we were stumbling in the pitch blackness that comes when the moon is covered by thick storm clouds  and onto the rocky bank of the lake.

 “I could kiss you, Izaiah. How did you know we turn in here?” I ask as I lay down the tarp over the least rocky part of the shore and pat the space beside me, “Come on, you have the other blanket.” My best friend nods and comes over to me and he falls asleep in a matter of minutes. I don’t. I lay there and watch him sleep, I could see his features dimly in the half-moonlight. His black hair was longish and he had these bow lips that seemed to split in a grin whenever he saw me watching. His tan was nothing compared to mine, I was an outdoorsy one. That’s how I found the lake. Running around the woods like a lunatic until I came across this crystal clear blue lake with weeping willows guarding it. I remember being faintly disturbed by the angel statue standing stoically at the far end of the lake. Suffice to say I didn’t go past the halfway point.

                That morning Izaiah woke me up and told me quickly that we had to go deeper into the woods. I shiver, he was referring to the thick woods behind the angel with wings outspread, I nod as we quickly gather the blankets and head deeper.

 False alarm, nobody was looking for us. This was the time I took to examine the angel and I noticed something strange. Odd. Unexplainable. In the angel’s hands was a golden sphere-like object with these little squiggles on it. Strange, I never noticed that before. I pick it up and an intense white-hot pain sears me. It hurts. Oh god, it hurts! I try to scream through the pain zipping through my veins and clouding my vision. Filling my ears with generations of screams, Izaiah’s shout was dim to me as I drop to my knees, the orb falling from my hands as my body goes limp. The pain. The fire in my veins redirect their heat to my chest, before narrowing down to my heart. My scream came before the blinding white is replaced by black.

 Deep, deep black.

Hey! I hope this is better than 'dear renu' because, honestly. This one is written beter. And has cooler characters.

So, me being me. I'm going to say my name and end this.

Love, Soul~ <3

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⏰ Last updated: May 03, 2013 ⏰

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