YO HO - let loose the rudder, hard to port
YO HO - helter skelter, the best kind of life
When the sun goes down, we'll have a farewell bash
Don't be sad,
If we make it,
We'll meet again somewhere,
We'll set off straight through the headwind
Tears... tears... until none are left - a man's gotta be tough
Friends... friends... someday we'll be laughing
As if we have to make sure these bonds are firm
Now we take hold of future's map, which begins to shine
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Yo ho! Turn the rudder. Full turn to the starboard!
Yo ho! 'Tis the best feeling. Advance at full speed. Make noise!
Yo ho! Turn the rudder. Full turn to the port!
Yo ho! Left or right, it's a complex life!
After the sun drops in the horizon, it's a departure feast!
The feeling of loneliness isn't here. As long as you live, we will meet again somewhere.
Start the voyage cutting through the headwind.
Cry, cry and you'll dry up; if you're a man be strong.
My friend, my friend, you will laugh one day.
Let's make stronger, stronger bonds, so that we'll meet for certain.
Now that the lights of our souls gather, release them!
Yo ho! Have a sharp and unshakable will.
Yo ho! Bet on your entirety!
Start the voyage to the spread-out sea. We may seem very small, but with just our dreams, it will stupidly crack!
My friend, my friend, you will laugh one day.
Let's make stronger, stronger bonds, so that we'll meet for certain.
Now that the map of the future shines, seize it!
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Fairy Tail Opening 4 NC-BD Subs01:33
Fairy Tail Opening 4 NC-BD Subs
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