//Dear Matty// - You know what? Fuck You.

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Dear Matty,

This is the first letter in 4 weeks.

And you know what. I was doing great for a while. I hadn't thought about you half as much as usual. I was starting to feel like myself again. Finally like myself.

But then you have to come on, causally strolling onto my TV with your new music video, like .... Like you're god or something.

You've changed. I can see that now. You're nothing like you used to be.

You're not the person I once loved. This person doesn't give it a shit. Not about me. Not about anyone but himself.

So I'm writing this one final letter to you - Just in case you somehow find them - Not that that will ever happen. You don't deserve to know the pain I went through when you were gone and completely forgot my existence.

So, here! This is my last ever letter to you. This will be the last ever time you hear from me.

So.... Yeah. You know what? Fuck you.

I'm done!


Dear Matty, {Matty Healy}Where stories live. Discover now