Chapter 25 Just dropping by

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Aphmau's P.O.V

I woke up and yawned. Then I sat on my bed. I looked around to see everyone from the village in my room. "Uh...." Then they all yelled in enjoyment, "APHMAU!!!" "Wait hold on what is going on!?" Then everyone except for Garroth left. "Aphmau.." "What happened?" He sighed, "While I was bringing you home... I was attacked." "What?" "Then when I was down... The Shadow Lord came up to me." "And?" "He had looked at me then at you. He had laughed and well..." That's when I came into a shock feeling. Then everything went pitch black. All I heard was Garroth yelling my name.


I saw everything. Garroth was getting attacked and was pinned down. Then the Shadow Lord had appeared. Garroth started to yell, " IF YOU HURT HER!" "Me hurt Lady Irene's powerful descendant? I wouldn't do that. Because Lady Irene is inside of her. Counting her as Lady Irene!" "Wha- What are you saying!?" "Lady Irene has been in Aphmau's soul this entire time! HOW WOULD YOU BE SO DUMB! WHY DO YOU THINK SHE HAS THESE POWERS! She indeed is Lady Irene's descendant, but Lady Irene is inside her." "T-That can't be possible." "I thought so too! But it came into sense!" "JUST LET HER GO!" "I'm afraid no-

"I wouldn't do that brother!" They both had looked at me. "Garroth, yes indeed Me, myself Lady Irene is in her body but I can control her." "W-why?" "The same reason as you. To keep her safe. She is important in this life. Now brother, I would like you to leave now! You know what Aphmau is capable of!" "Fine! But this isn't over sister!" Then the Shadow Lord left.

"W-W-WHY!" "Garroth as soon as this is over Aphmau will be with me in the heavens." "WHAT NO!! DON'T!!" "I know you care for her. But Aphmau has been hurt many more times." "Don't p-please she can't leave!" "Alright... fine... but you will have to keep this between us and Aphmau ONLY!" "Thank you Lady Irene!" "Do not worry. I will still keep her safe."

~~~End of Flashback~~~

I woke up shocked. I looked around my room. It was dark. I saw it was night. I sat on my bed and tried to stand up. But I fell. I mumbled to myself, "How long was I out..." "For a few hours." I looked to see Garroth. I struggled to get up. And I sat on my bed. "But how long was I out before I woke up?" "I don't really want to tell you.." "TELL ME." "Alright. Alright. Well... you were out for about 4 months..." I looked at him with a shocked expression. " I-I-I was gone for that long..." He nodded. " I-I saw what happened.." "You mean-" "Yes... I did." 

I looked at the ground. "How could I be gone for that long..." " Donna said you were unconscious." "Oh..." He came up and sat by me. Then I started feeling a dark presence. "Then I mumbled, " powerful..... dark....presence" "What?" "N-nothing..." "Aphmau." I started breathing heavily. 

"APHMAU!" "Garroth! HELP! It's.... powerful!" "What is it!?" "Shadow... knights..... Shadow LORD!" "WHAT NO!" I fell on the floor. "Aphmau!" "I-I feel..." Then I heard someone come in. "Hello brother, thought I should stop by." "ZANE! I THOUGHT YOU WERE IN THE CELL!" "Well someone let me escape." Then I got levitated by a black aura. I looked and saw the Shadow Lord. "N-no." "Hello Aphmau nice to see you again." "Y-you don't remember what I am capable of!" 

Then I started sending a white aura at Zane and the Shadow Lord making them fall back and let me out. "You shouldn't have dared to come back here again!" I started levitating them. Then I sent them back to the Nether. After that I fell on the floor. I used all my energy to get up and use my powers. Garroth ran to me. "Aphmau you'll be ok!" I smiled and fell asleep.

Love will have to pay a price (Garmau Fanfiction) ***DISCONTINUED***Where stories live. Discover now