He's so sweet!(:

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He never texted me so I finally got up the nerve to text him. Being my smart ass self I said "What's taking you so long to walk like 4 blocks?!(;" I got a text back about 30 minutes later saying "I take my time" I rolled my eyes and texted him back, we texted for awhile until it was midnight and he finally said "Im going to go to bed. Goodnight(: Sweet Dreams(:". I felt so happy and confused. I wasn't used to someone being so nice to me. Why was he being so nice to me.?

I loved that he was being nice to me, even though he barely knew me. When I see him I get butterflies in my stomach, when I talk to him his voice repeats in my mind and I just replay it in my head. I was getting more feelings for him than I intended to. But I liked it that way.

It's been a week since I realized I had feeling's for Kyle. A lot of them. I was sitting in 6 th hour waiting for the bell to ring so I can get my daily hug, when it finally rang!(: I jumped out of my seat and ran to the main door's! I ran into a few Seniors who got mad but I ignored the fact and ran to the corner where we always meet.

I sat down against the hard red brick wall when Kyle came up. He put him face up to mine. I could smell his minty fresh breath, See his smile so close up to my face. But being the dumb ass I am I pushed him away. I could've just had my first kiss with the boy of my dream's! But I ruined it! I felt like a complete bitch for that moment I ruined.

I hated myself for week's because of it.

But I got over it eventually...

I always thought to myself, for a girl like me I'm lucky to have a guy like him. He's someone I can tell all my problems to and he keeps them. Secret. I love the fact that he trust me and tells me everything. That night I was sitting in my room when I got a update from Instagram that said "Why would you say that about @emitheblonde!"  

So I got curious and scrolled up... All I saw was hate. I saw people trashing me on Instagram... That I thought were my friends. I saw,

"I hate her!"

"I wish she was never in my life"

"She's a horrible friend!"

"She date's everyone in the school!".

As I read through the comments I got shaky, my whole body went numb.. I became... still. The only thing I could do was sit there and stare at the comments. When I finally got motion back in my body I ran my hands through my hair a couple of times and started balling. The only thing I could think of was how much of a 'whore' I am... So I called Kyle. It rang 3 times before he answered.

"Hey" He slightly yelled into the phone

"Is it true Kyle.. Are all the rumors true.. Do you think that" I mumbled trying to make him not figure out I was crying.

"You saw Instagram Im guessing. Emily, You know yourself better than that. You know you're not a whore! You haven't even had your first kiss yet! Thats crazy!" He took a long breath "It'll all be okay. I promise you it will. Everything will just blow over and in a year you won't even remember today, okay.?"

I started crying again, into the phone. Kyle could clearly hear me also.

"Emily, I'll be there in 5 minutes"

And with saying that he hung up.

I went into the bathroom trying to fix my mascara but it was useless... Every time I looked at myself I couldn't help but cry. I looked down on the bathroom counter and saw a razor blade. I thought to myself. Should I.? Should I do this to myself.? Maybe if I just make one little cut it'll be fine. I reached to pick up the razor but the doorbell interrupted my thoughts.

"Emily, it's me Kyle. Im not a robber I promise." I laughed at his joke and sniffled my nose before I ran down the stairs and jumped into his arms. I immediately felt butterflies in my stomach. I felt my heart rate speed up. It just felt like magic every time I touched him. I wrapped my arms around his neck and whispered "You're so warm Kyle!" He giggled and wrapped his arms around my waist. He gave me an evil gran and just stared at me. "What are you going to do?!" I said leaning backwards so his arms were still around me but I could see his face.


"Bull shit!"

And before I knew it he was carrying me over his shoulder out of the living room and upstairs. I kicked my feet and yelled "Kyle what are you doing!" "Put me down right now!" "Seriously put me down!"

"Or what.?" he smirked still going up the stairs.

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