Oh, my gosh...

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When we finally reached the top of the stair case Kyle dropped me down on my bed. He started blowing raspberry's on my stomach


I tried to say but I was to busy laughing to understand anything coming out of my mouth.

Then he went to my closet and grabbed a white T-shirt and my neon booty shorts.

"You could've just told me to come upstairs?!"

"Yeah, but that would've been no fun."

"Whatever." I said rolling my eyes

It's not till now that I noticed Kyle only had swim trunks on. I looked him up and down and you could definitely tell that he worked out. He gave me a smirk and said "Emily are you checking me out?"

"Yes, yes I am"

We both laughed and headed down stairs.

"Where are we going?"

"We are going to my place to go swimming"

I looked at the clock and it was 3:00 so I had time to go.

We went outside and it felt like it was 100 degrees. He kept his car running so the air conditioner was on. And sure enough his car was freezing cold.

Kyle threw me my clothes and told me to change

"Change wear Kyle Im in your car?!"

"There's a back seat for a reason."

"Oh my god..."

I climbed over the seat and got in the back of his dark blue 2012 mustang. I took off my bright green neon shirt and put on the white one. When I went to put on my shorts is when I noticed Kyle staring at me through the review mirror.

"Kyle you asshole! Turn around!"

"But, Ugh..."

I laughed at him and slid on my other shorts. When we got there I adjusted my clothes on my body and ran to his backyard. I was so jealous of his house, his family was obviously rich and he had everything he could ever ask for. His house looked like a barbie dream house except his house is white with blue edges. He had a big 3 story house with 6 bedroom's and 7 baths.

I ran and jumped in the deep side of the pool and it was surprisingly warm. I looked at Kyle who was just looking at me and laughing his ass off.

Which is when I realized I had a white shirt on, thank god for my bra.

"Kyle you know I hate you sometimes!"

I think he was trying to say something but he couldn't because he was to busy laughing.

I swam to the side of the pool and lifted myself up.

I ran over to the side of the pool and slightly screamed

"Kyle! There's a snake in the pool!"

He looked at me suspiciously and walked over to where I was standing. Kyle was a city boy, but he wasn't afraid of any snake.

Right when he got to where I was standing he looked in the pool and I ran up behind him and pushed him in.

He looked at me with surprise and said "You little shit!" I was so busy laughing I didn't hear anything else he said. I dived into the pool and started floating around.

"Kyle! It's 4:30!"

I said trying to find my towel in his car and dry off before I got in his almost brand new car.

"If I'm soaking wet she'll know I went somewhere!"

"Gosh Emily, calm yourself. What's the worst she can do.? Ground you.? She probably wont even do that.

He had a good point, so with that said I sat down in his car. He went inside to change and after about 3 minutes he came out looking like always. Denim jeans that fit him so well, And a white V-neck.

We pulled up in my drive way and Kyle said bye and kissed me on the cheek as always. I felt a moment of butterflies in my stomach then they went away. This afternoon was perfect until I walked through the door.

My mom stood there staring at me tapping her foot. I smiled and said

"Hi mom" with a big grin on my face.

"Where have you been.?! I have been worried sick.?! You have to tell me when you go somewhere Emily! Im still your mom even when Im at work!"

"I went to Kyle's I was upset. He asked me to come over and I said yes. I don't wanna fight with you right now." I said as I marched up the stairs to my room.

"Emily don't argue with me! I am your mother! You need to treat me with.."

That's the last words I heard from her before I slammed the door and everything got silent.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2013 ⏰

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