Twins with a side of yogurt

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The bells rung and we made our way to our separate classes, mine being science, as we were walking Amber decided we all go get frozen yogurt after school.

"Meet us out the front at our usual spot" exclaimed Amber.

The  thing about Amber and I is we're actually twins but nobody seems to notice because we're non-identical although we are almost the same personality wise. Nobody seems to notice when we do things together, for example, frozen yogurt. The fact of us being unidentical is probably the biggest thing when we tell people we're twins. Amber had shoulder length blonde hair with slight curls, she has grey eyes which are outlines with a think line of eyeliner, and mascara to volumise her naturally Short eye lashes. She would often wore sports gear because of the amount of fitness and sports that she did. Where as me personally I'm usually wearing jeans and a t-shirt, short blonde hair and slightly blue eye. You may say we look slightly alike because of genetics, although for the shape and look of our faces cause people to not understand the fact of us being twins.

Meanwhile in science I couldn't concentrate what so ever and could only think about what Amber was telling me about Phoebe. I zoned out. At that moment I got a text from Joseph.

"Ambers stuck in algebra with Phoebe meet me out the front of her algebra after school"

After class I met Joseph outside Ambers class, as told. I came up behind Joseph and whispered, " Do you guys go out yet" he turned to slap me but just started laughing.
"Do you fancy Phoebe?" He asked
"I heard that she's dating Marcus, most popular guy in school" I exclaimed
"I know who he is you idiot" said Joseph With a tone of sarcasm "so do you !?"
"I did at first but I'm having second thoughts" I replied, Amber finally came out.

Something caught my eye...
The principal walked down the corridor with what looked to be a girl and her parents I tried to make out her face, but she kept hiding it behind her hair.

"Oi loser, coming !?" Snapped Amber, I hurried along to catch up to them.
"Wait.... Luka isn't Marcus dating Rachel" he asked as we turned a corner in the corner to find Phoebe pushed up against against the lockers having a very intense make out session with Marcus.
"Never Mind..." Joseph wispered awkwardly. As we came out of the main doors of collage we met up with Sam, Jasper and Scarlet, and started walkin to the frozen yogurt shop along the seaside.

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