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Second, was Kaitlin. She had ran to the cafeteria. A wide, open space with lots of places to hide. She thought she could've tricked whoever might've been chasing her that she ran off of the property, but instead ran into where she is now. She unlocked the kitchen doors so she could hide, then thought that whoever was chasing her would know that she's in there if they saw those doors open, so she hid in a room behind the stage instead. The door happened to already be unlocked, so she searched around the room for anything that would be able to help her defend herself. She eventually found a big pair of scissors in a desk drawer. She equipped herself with them, and hid beside the door, waiting to attack anyone who would open it. She would occasionally check behind her to make sure that no one was there, even though she logically knew that no one could be there, considering she scavenged the entire room for a weapon, but she felt it safe to check. Kaitlin heard the front doors slam open and shut. She covered her mouth so it was silent. She heard feet stomping around the amplified room, yet she couldn't tell which direction the stomping was going in. She could only guess by the sound of it either getting louder or more quiet. She heard the kitchen doors bust down, and then the stomping sound disappeared. She readied her scissors in case of attack, even though the kitchen wasn't too close to the stage. Although she couldn't hear the stomping, she could hear pots, pans, and everything in between being thrown across the kitchen, hitting walls and floors. The noise seemed to be getting louder and louder, and with every slam, came a flinch. Kaitlin was shaking severely by this point. So much seemed to be going on at once. And then, all at once, the slamming and banging stopped. It was so quiet, Kaitlin could hear her own heartbeat. She expected to hear stomping soon, but she didn't. She began to tear up. She accidentally sniffled, and immediately covered her mouth. She readied herself yet again with her scissors to make sure no one would kill her. Then, the creature was edging his way up to Kaitlin. Kaitlin was too busy paying attention to the door and trying to listen to the outside. The creature grabbed her from behind, turned her scissors around on her and stabbed herself in the chest. He dragged her out of the room, only to tie a noose around her neck and hang her from the top of the stage. Kaitlin was dead.

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