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I came to the realization in 7th period.

"So they kidnapped her!" I accidentally shouted out loud. Everyone turned to the back of the classroom and stared at me. My French teacher gave me a dirty look. 

I climbed into the front of the bus. I would be sitting in a car, but my parents hate me. My "friend" Kelly slid in next to me.

"Find anything else?" Kelly asked me. I really didn't want to talk to her because she's really annoying but I did anyways.

"Solved another one," I grimaced.

"Then what's the matter?" Kelly cocked her head. God, she could be so annoying.

"The case was already solved 2 days ago," I rolled my eyes.

"Oh....," Kelly trailed off, "Well I got something to brighten your day!" 

Then she trailed off into some "exciting" story about her day that I could honestly care less about, so instead I stared out the window and thought of my mistakes.

Then I got home. And oh, if I could miss those 4 words I would've be fine. 

The first thing is, one car in the driveway. The second, mom crying. I ran in the house.

"Mom, what's going on?" I looked around.

"Just go! Leave me alone, would you?" She screamed at me. I backed away. 

"Mom, tell me what happened," I screeched.

"It doesn't matter!" She shouted.

"It obviously does," I shouted back.

"You know what, I'm sick of the way I'm treated around here. I'm sick of how you treat me!" She screamed and pushed me harshly out the door. 

And when I say push, I mean throw. Because next thing I knew, I'm lying face-up on my driveway. The worst part is, no one cares. My head hurt. Possibly a concussion. I stood up, dizzy and faced my house. I ran back inside, I've been through worse than being thrown. 

She's. holding. a. knife. Suddenly, I felt a sharp pain to my stomach. I knew what it was as soon as I felt it. I ran out of the house. 

I ran until I couldn't feel my legs.

I ran until I couldn't feel pain. 

Then, I fell. 

Face first, into the grass. That's when I first looked down and began to see the blood rushing from my stomach.

And I knew in that moment, I needed to get out. Las Vegas is a horrible place that had ripped me to shreds. And I was done.


So, there's my story of how my crazy life in Santa Barbara started. Late Spring of my junior year, 18 years of living, 5 cases solved. I took all my money that I had and my phone(that my parents don't know about), and my purse and took buses for a few days until I arrived, stopping every so often for food or break or bus change. I took off the last month of school I had left, taking it online. I'm now renting an apartment(I'm 18, legal to live alone. I know, old for my grade.) that is near a police station and a high school. And now, my story continues



No ones probably reading this but hi anyways! 

I know, this doesn't seem like a Psych fanfiction, but soon they will come in. All in time, though, all in time.

This chapter kinda really sucks, but it's to get an intro to Lindsay's life. 

And life sucks, right?

Well anywho, hope you like.





Eat pineapples.



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