Chapter 1: Seeing Old Friends

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Y/n's POV

I got off the Speedy Beaver Bus to see an old shack labeled: Mystery Shack

Unfortunately, the 'S' had fallen off, so it was now the Mystery Hack. 

I was supposed to meet my friends Dipper and Mabel, since I was staying with them and their Great Uncles for the summer. 

I grabbed my bags, and walked to the shack, my h/c hair bouncing as I strode to the house.

I knocked on the door, and was quickly visited by a man in what looked like his mid-sixties. 

He wore a black suit, red tie, and a red fez.

"Welcome to the Mystery Shac- oh. You must be, Y/n? Dipper and Mabel's friend." He said.

"Yeah." I said.

"Well, you can call me your Grunkle Stan! KIDS! Y/N'S," Stan started to yell, but was cut off as Mabel literally shoved him away from the door and gave me a bear hug.

"OMG! YOUR HERE!" she yelled, squeezing the life out of me.

"Yeah, but, I , won't, be, here, on, earth, much, longer, if, I, don't, get, air!" I gasped, air escaping my lungs.

"Oops! Sorry!" Mabel said, letting go. 

I gasped for air, and held my side. "It's ok," I managed to cough out.

"DIPPER! Y/N'S HERE!" Mabel yelled up the stairs.

I heard a shuffling, and Dipper came down the stairs, holding a red journal with a golden six-fingered hand.

"Hey Dipper!" I said, hugging him.

He hugged back.

"Hey Y/n! How are you?" He asked, his voice cracking from puberty.

I giggled. "Doing good, Dipping Sauce." I said.

He blushed at the name.

The twins looked the same from the last time I saw them. Dipper wore the same orange shirt with blue vest, grey shorts and black sneakers.

Mabel wore her signature shooting star sweater, which was pink. She had a purple skirt and black flats.

A another man in his sixties came out of a room, and I would have mistaken him for the first one if he wasn't wearing a beige trench coat, read shirt, brown pants and boots.

"Oh, Y/n, this is our other Grunkle, Ford!" Mabel said.

"Greetings!" He greeted, shaking my hand. I noticed he had six fingers, which was cool.

"Do kids say greetings now a days? Sorry, I was in a portal for 30 years. I'm still doing a little bit of catch up." He said.

"Wait, portal? Dipper, Mabel. What did you not tell me about your summer here?" I said, looking at them.

"Oh, well, there's a lot." Mabel said.

"I have the time! Spill it!" I said.

"Ok, let's you settled in first." Dipper said.

I grabbed my bags and followed them to the room I would be staying in. I was very happy when I found out that it was the one they shared.

I unpacked very quickly, and sat on the my bed.

"Tell me." I said.

They sat on their bed and started their story.

*Time Skip to after story. I ain't writing every episode ever. To much time, and typing.*

"Ok, so, you guys have fought gnomes, goblewonkers, wax figures, a demon, and ghosts?" I asked.

They nodded.

"Wow. That must be the best summer ever!" I exclaimed.

"Well, we've made a couple of enemies." Dipper said.

"Yeah, but that's awesome! Solving mysteries and fighting stuff," I said.

Mabel perked up. "How about we go for a monster hunt?" She suggested.

"Yeah!" I said.

"Ok!" Dipper said, grabbing the crimson book.

"Hey, Dipstick, what's that?" I asked, pointing to the journal.

"Oh, this is a journal that has almost every supernatural being that is found in the forest. Ford wrote it, and we found it last summer." Dipper explained.

"That's awesome!" I said, getting up from the bed.

We ran down the stairs as fast a three 13 year-olds could.

"Hey, Ford, Stan, we're going on a monster hunt!" I yelled, before we walked out the door.

"Ok, come back soon." I heard Stan say.

"And be careful." Ford said from another room.

I closed the door.

"So what are we looking for?" I asked, nudging Dipper.

He blushed. "Uh, I don't know. Um, what about, night-mares? 'Creatures that live on the darkest part of the forest, and are able to show you your worst night mares.'" Dipper read.

"Sure, why not!" Mabel said.

"Sounds like a plan! Mystery Friends?" I said, placing my hand in the middle.

They both put their hands on top of mine.

"Mystery Friends." They said.

Together, the three of us trekked into the woods, excited for the adventure.

A/n: Another story! I'm doing another! Whoop! Whoop! Enjoy guys!


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