Day 1046: test subject 90: subjects name unknown reason unidentified.
The test was a success subject 90 is responding well with project X, soon we'll be able to let him out into the real world.
Day 1099: the release of subject 90 the day the world 9 starts to change.
Hi my name is Tor I'm a second year high school student at Mouighon Academy
I was a kid who always wanted to live a normal life in a normal school surrounded by normal people . But a little action is not that bad or so I thought.One day I was walking home from school I saw a man he didn't look so good he walk up to me saying that's a nice serplux you have. What? "I asked" Serplux. Magic energy. Magic? Magic is not real. Then you would not mined if I took yours. He charged at me. I nearly dodged . Why are you moving I'm only taking what doesn't exist. If it doesn't even exist why charge at me. Shut up and stay still. I dodged and dodged. eventually he yelled enough of this I'm hungry then all of a sudden the shadows grabbed me. What? What is going on! My rune is shadow manipulation. Now time to eat thanks for the food. I shut my eyes prepared for the worst. Then all of a sudden I heard the cracking of ice when l opened my eyes and there she was the girl that changed my life.

a not so normal life
AventureTor a boy that lives a normal life that knows nothing about his past is suddenly pulled into a world of elemental powers and he thinks in this life he'll find out more about his past and parents.