Tor a boy that lives a normal life that knows nothing about his past is suddenly pulled into a world of elemental powers and he thinks in this life he'll find out more about his past and parents.
3.......2.......1.......FIGHT. At first it was silent no movement I thought what to do first armor I slammed my fist and said frozen flaming shock gauntlets
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( a small look of what thay roughly look like)
Now I know how to use my runes. I dashed I at guss and cut him the wound closed as my claws hit him. Turns out the claws were hot. Guss uesd his personal weapon, a spear made of wind. He used it to move the winds at a great speed and pushed in at me and I was sent flying into the wall. Blood gushed out of my mouth and before I could get up guss kicked me down. He slammed his foot down on me and twisted his foot on me. You think your a hero you come to this school and try to steal everything from me. Guss said. I kicked him off and came at him with a freezing helicopter kick. I hit him downzhe came back up and slashed his spear everywhere luckily I dogged them all. But guss punched me with a wind ball.we were tired so guss said "that's it time to end "this tornado wind storm. The wind picked up and I saw small category 5 tornados so I cranked up the heat on my gauntlets And slashed his tornados into thin air. He fell to his knees how did you. Something I picked up a real school heat change can mess up wind patterns. I brought my hands to his neck and I won. I turned to walk away from the battle field. As I walked out black fog risen for guss and attack me bright lights tured on and the dog disappeared. I was called to the office at once after that and I was shocked when I herd the news