Here will be a chapter about two acquaintances I have and I'll keep their names a secret...
CHANGE OF PLANS I HAD AN AWESOME DREAM! I'll keep their names a secret... Two are friends ones an acquaintance.It all starts with "Charlie" going over to "Greg's " house. Greg was a great friend of mine and I met Charlie at this new school. I showed my friends a new app called dinosawwwr where you can have group chats with your friends. (that's what my mind called it) So Greg, Lainey and I (seeing where I got the names...?)
were talking about Charlie and then Greg said he'd be back in a while because Charlie wanted to try something. After six or so minutes of Lainey and I shipping people, Greg came back. He sent us the face and the one. I asked him what happened? He responded with a picture. (More or less pg ified so I'll skip the picture details) he... Responded with showing he was... Turned on per say... Lainey and I were so confused asking why! Greg was straight... So what could've possibly happened that turned him on? He sent us a selfie with him, Charlie, clothes on the floor and GregCharlie's lap... "I think I'm gay..." Greg responded. After seven minutes of fangirling and knowing it all along we got on our bikes and rode to Greg's ( we live on the same hill irl) we messaged them to get their clothes on so we could come in. And the second we saw them I woke up.
❤ the idk book ❤
Randomthis will be a bunch of one chapter stories I make up. I hope you enjoy because some of them will be way different than others... accept any racial or gender differences in my stories and we can be buds! if u follow me Ill follow you if you have som...