What To Do

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      I didn't know what to do. It seemed like everything had been turned upside down. It's like he cheated on me. Then again he didn't. We weren't out so it didn't matter. But it doesn't explain why somebody ripped my heart out of my chest and stomped on it.

      I didn't do anything for the rest of the day. I took several buses to the university and waited a couple of hours for practice to start. It was awkward seeing him at practice but I just ignored him and left. When I got home I went and took a very long shower. When I got out and as I was walking downstairs I heard Alicia laughing and talking to someone. His voice was pretty sexy too. As I got to the foot of the steps I found Alicia talking none other than Jackson.
"Hey Alex You Know Jackson Right?" Alicia Asked.
"Yeah I've Seen Him Around. Why What's Up?" I Tried To Avoid Eye Contact With Jackson
"Well Apparently You Mother Promised His Mother That You'd Tutor Him."
"Wait. My Mother Whom I Haven't Seen In A Week Promised Someone ELSE I Would Tutor Them" I Sighed
"Yep So Get To It. I'll Order Takeout Or Something. "
I Took Jackson Up To My Room. Before We Got Started I Pulled Our My Phone And Found 10 New Messages On My Lock Screen. That Brings Justin's Total For The Day To 27. I've Ignored All Of Them.
"Whats Up" Jackson Asked Me "Why Are You Ignoring Justin"
I Was Taken Aback. I Didn't Even Know He Was Paying Attention.

"I Just Didn't Feel Like Talking To Him Today, Why So Nosey"

"Just Wondering"

We talked for awhile and did homework.When Were Done Jackson Rolled On The Bed And Groaned.
"Finally We're Done Oh My God"
God He Was Hot
"So What You Wanna Do?" He Asked Me
"Well I Thought You'd Go Home"
"Nahh. I Hate My House And I Like Being With You"
He Smiled That Goofy Smile That Makes Me Melt.
"Why Are You In Such A Bad Mood? Because We Kissed."
Wow That Was Straightforward.
"Um That's Not Why I'm Mad. But I Think We Should Talk About It"
"What's There To Talk About. That Was One Of The Best Kisses Ive Ever Had."
"Same Here Actually. But I'm Kind Of With Someone. Well Actually I Think We're Broken Up Now Which Is Why I Was Mad. "
"Well I Never Said Anything About Getting Together. That Would Require Us To Like Each Other"
I Got Really Scared. I Thought He Liked Me.
"You Don't Like Me?" I Asked Tentatively.
"Oh I Like You A Lot. But I Don't Know. I Just Don't Think I'm Gay. I Didn't Even Know You Were. "
My Stomach Dropped. I Wasn't Going Through This Again.
"But-" He Added "I'll Give It A Try If You Will."
And Then We Kissed. For A Long Long Time.

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