I've Been Wanting To Do That for Awhile

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Jordan walked up behind me while I was talking to James in the office and flipped me around. He smashed his lips against my own in a passionate yet sloppy kiss and backed me up into his office. I could feel myself running out of air, I felt like I couldn't breathe at all. I genuinely couldn't breathe at all. The door slammed shut behind us as Jordan pushed me against the wall. He breathed into my neck leaving pecks along the way. A phone started ringing. His phone started ringing. No, my phone started ringing.
I gasped as I shot up from my luxurious bed and reached for my phone that was indeed ringing. It was Aleks. I answered with a half-assed hello.
"Where are you scrub? You were supposed to meet me at the office an hour ago and you weren't there so I got us coffee, came back, and you weren't there," Aleks grumbled while I couldn't concentrate. The pictures in my head from my dream wouldn't fade away. I sighed trying to focus on Aleks while he ranted on and on about how terrible I was.
"I'll be there in 30, okay?" As soon as I got Aleks off the phone I hurriedly got ready and tried to make myself look half cute. No matter how loud I played music while getting ready and on the car ride there all I could think about was Jordan and how dominant and attractive he was in my dream. I couldn't picture anything else. When I arrived to the office Aleks gave me my now cold coffee and I helped him with a video he was recording. Everyone else arrived an hour later. I was hiding in my office when Jordan walked in.
He smiled and sat across from me, "Hey (Y/N). I've been really busy lately and I feel like last night was one of the first nights in awhile that we've been able to talk and enjoy each other's company and I feel really bad for that. I definitely want to spend more time with you. I want to spend as much time with you as possible," I began to trail away from his words. I couldn't help but picture every image of him pushing me against the wall and kissing me with so much passion. I wanted it to be real. I wanted that physical contact, "Do you want to come over to my place tonight like we always used to?"
He sat awaiting a response as I nervously tried to piece together what he had said. For a long period of time I would stay with Jordan for a couple of nights after work. We would stay up all night doing silly things like watching terrible movies or dancing like idiots. Never once in those nights did he ever try to kiss me but then after many nights of not doing any of those things, he does. I couldn't tell if it was bad. Of course I wanted to spend the night with him but I knew I would not stop thinking about that wondrous dream. He cleared his throat as I had been taking far too long to answer. "Of course, that sounds wonderful," I smiled as Jordan stood up and entrapped me in one of those warm hugs again. When he left I could see Aleks, in his office across from mine, smirking at me. I stuck my tongue out at him and went back to work.

Jordan and I were always the last two to leave the office. We both escaped our rooms at 9:30 and walked down to the parking lot. He awkwardly followed close by my side but never grabbed my hand. "You can just leave your car here if you want me to give you a ride," I could faintly see his face flush in the dark night.
I looked back at my old times car, "I really should probably go pack some clothes or something."
He opened his passenger side door and smiled, "Nonsense, you always end up wearing my clothes anyway." The images from before flashed through my head as Jordan realized what he was innuendoing and chuckled it off. I willingly climbed into his passenger seat trying to think of something else. The car ride felt long and quiet. Half way through our ride Jordan started humming a random tune. I giggled at him and he smiled back at me. It was different but it was cute. I remembered the gentle kiss he gave me on the cheek the night before. I what I would have given to have that again. We were stopped at an empty intersection. I shivered slightly from the cold air hitting my exposed legs out of my shorts. Jordan look over and placed a hand on my thigh as we took off again. I sat awkwardly still as he trailed his warm hand up and down my leg. When we arrived to his place he didn't release me from his grip. Instead he shut the car off and stared in the distance for a long moment.
He lifted his hand away from my leg and exited the car as I followed. He stayed very silent as we made it into his new apartment building. We passed his room completely but he didn't say anything. Instead he took me through a stairwell leading up to a patio roof. He pulled a brick over to keep the door open and as soon as he could tell we were alone he backed me into the brick siding next to the door. His hands were around my waist and his face was once again inches from my own, "I'm sorry," he breathed heavily, "please stop me if you don't feel this way but I can't control myself anymore." He lifted a hand and placed it around my cheek as he pushed his lips to mind in a passionate kiss. We kissed for so long that I felt light headed and all that passed through my mind were the images from earlier. I didn't dare stop him. There was a dominance about him just like in my dream and I hoped that in that moment the dream went on. When we stopped kissing Jordan lingered around my lips. He opened his eyes and smirked, "I've been wanting to do that for awhile."

Little Cat - KootraxReaderWhere stories live. Discover now