Mystery Trip - See you in my Tent

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We waited outside of this embarrassingly burnt out restaurant while Jordan and James ordered our food. Stefani and Aleks sat on either side of me playing games on their phones while I just looked off into the distance. Aron started filming Dex and the two Joes while they waited. Aleks glanced over at me and nudged me with his elbow but I didn't make any attempt to move. "Hey," he nudged me harder and a twitched a bit, "Why so solemn?"

I shrugged lightly as I turned to him, "I just have a lot on my mind." I lied completely. I only had one thing on my mind. Only one person in particular was on my mind. Aleks could see right through me, unfortunately.

"You know you have feelings for him and he obviously knows he has feelings for you (Y/N)," he whispered, "I don't want him to break your heart and I don't think he will but I also don't want you to break his which I think you have the power to do. Just make things right, he only said what he felt and maybe it's too soon but who cares?" He looked back down towards his phone as Jordan and James came out with multiple carriers of food. Aleks moved to the other table so Jordan could take a seat by me which he gladly did. When everyone was seated and happily eating I sneakily intertwined my fingers with his under the table. He glanced at me and smiled as he squeezed my hand lightly. Chicken Joe came up to us with one of the cameras which made us quickly lose contact.

"Jordan, are you going to tell us where we're going yet?" Jordan let out a sigh of relief.

He glanced around at everyone finishing their food, "How about we get going and find out, Joe."


We sat in our same positions in the car just as before. Jordan kept both of his hands on the wheel and stayed quiet as he drove. I would occasionally try to join Aleks and James in their conversation but it would only last a second.

We hadn't gone far into our drive when Jordan stopped at a rest stop, "There aren't going to be nice restrooms where we're going so I'm stopping here for any of you who want to go now." Aleks and James ran out of the car towards the small building as the other car passed by us not knowing we stopped. Jordan exited the car so I walked out to stretch. When I came out he was already on my side. He kissed my forehead and hugged me gently, "I don't want to ruin anything we have (Y/N). Please tell me I haven't ruined it."

I smiled and pecked his lips, "Of course you haven't ruined anything. I--well I don't know what I feel but I feel something amazing when I'm with you. I don't know if it's love or not but it doesn't matter. What matters is that I want to be with you," I pulled him close and leaned into his chest.

"You're so wonderful," he smiled and kissed the top of my head.

James burst out of the building while Aleks followed slowly behind. "KNOCK IT OFF I'M READY TO FUCKING GO ON THIS TRIP," James yelled while fast walking to the car. Jordan giggled while still holding me close.


We weren't far from our destination but the other car beat us there. We were in the middle of the forest on a camping trail that Jordan was telling an insanely boring horror story about trying to scare us. It had already gotten late and cold outside so Jordan had given me his jacket that was far too big for me. He glanced over at me during his story and smiled. I smiled quickly and turned to Stefani to talk about the sleeping arrangements. Jordan interrupted us, "We all will have tents, so split into two and I will take the small tent by myself."

I of course stayed with Stefani but Jordan pulled me aside before we could go to put it up, "Will Stefani mind if you come to my tent tonight?" My eyes got wide as I shook my head 'no' and he chuckled at me.

He leaned down to whisper in my ear, "Maybe we can start up where we left off." He checked to make sure no one was looking and he gave me a quick kiss on the lips leaving me standing still as he walked away to put up his tent. I turned around to go help Stefani and saw Aleks staring at me humping the air while giving me a thumbs up.

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