Chapter 8-My broken body

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Yami immediately called a hospital, and I was only a spirit, for some odd reason.

"Wha-" I began asking myself, but I stopped mid sentence for Yami was holding something horrendous.

There he was, holding my broken body. My neck had been hit on the pressure point, and my arm was completely broken, an icy electric charge surging through the pain.

"Oh my god!" I screamed.

"What happened?!"

Then it hit me-my nightmare was gradually becoming more and more of reality. Yami was crying for me, and as I try to make sense of this whole catastrophe, I nearly yelled,

"My's...coming true?!"

I put two and two together, and here's what I came up with.

"So, Yami's crying for me...Tea broke my arm..."

Then I gasped with horror.

"The last thing in my dream was..." I gulped, "I died..."

I watched as an ambulance pulled into the school parking lot. I also noticed Tea wasn't there any more.

~At the hospital~

Eventually, after my spirit watched my broken body try its best to heal, I began to feel very distant and lonely. As you may have guessed, my subconscious had awoken. I peered over at the chair with an indigo jacket sitting up.

Wait, that's no jacket, that's Yami! Whats he doing here?!

As if on cue, he stiffened, and twiddled his thumbs.

"Okay, Yugi, you might never think I'm all that great. But I...well..."

Yami paused for a minute.

"I love you. Okay? I said it."

He then talked about why he loved me, how he thought I would think less of him, etc.

After he was done, he began to tear up again. My heart beat was getting slower and slower...

Yami cried silently, and as his shoulders shuddered, my heart rate would drop. That is, until my heart nearly stopped.

"I'm sorry I took so long to say this. But here..."

He bent down and kissed me. Afterwards, he had a very sad smile, but then he just walked over to window bed and lay down.

"Goodnight, my little ouji..."

He then turned on his side, facing towards the window and went to sleep.

Little did he know that he, Yami, managed to keep me alive.

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