Chapter 14-Morning cuddles and yummy breakfast

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Chapter 14-Morning cuddles and yummy breakfast

The sun was shining, the birds were singing, and every thing was at rest.

I slept soundly, Yami now curled up while "glomping" me in his sleep.

At the sound of his murmuring, I woke up, stretching my arms. I was about to stretch my legs, but saw that Yami might be knocked off the bed if I did. So I just lay there, quietly singing one of my favorite songs.

Eventually, Yami woke up to find me singing, and began smiling.

"H-hi Yugi..."

"Mornin', Yami. Sleep well?"

"Yes, quite well actually..."

"That's good. Now, would you like some breakfast?"

"I guess."

I got up, and walked downstairs, still in my pajamas. Yami frantically got dressed and followed me, problably scared to lose me.

"What'cha want today, Yami?"

"Uhhh...I don't really know..."

"How about French toast?"

"What's that?"

He gave me a quizzical look. I smiled, and began cooking. Several minutes later, the French toast was ready.

"Here you go!"


He scarfed the French toast down very quickly, and asked for more. I giggled, and he looked somewhat confused.


"Okay, here you go.~"

I slid one more piece onto his plate. He scarfed it down again, and wiped his face afterwards.

"Thanks Yugi."

"No problem," I replied, going to my room to get changed into the girl outfit that Yami had made me wear.

"Ugh. I hope this is worth it."

I sighed, putting on my black socks, then my brown shoes, blue skirt, white under shirt, blue ribbon, leather chocker, millennium puzzle, then my pink jacket. Afterwards, I walked to the bathroom, and used the hair gel to 'flatten' my hair down.

"Yami, I guess it's time to go to school."

Yami walked upstairs, and gasped at how I looked, now having a face as red as a tomato (again).

"Y-Yugi...y-ou l-look b-beautiful."

He stammered in awe. I giggled, seizing this opportunity to make him happy, and jumped into his arms.

"Mind carrying me Bridal style?" I pleaded, looking as cute as a baby panda.

(A/N: can you guess what this is a reference to? :P)

"S-sure," he replied. And with that, he ran off with me to school, me still in his arms.

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