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July 7, 2003

"Come on bup!" I screamed pulling bup's arm.

I wanted to go on the swings at recess but bup wanted to stay in the sandbox.

"Stop bup, you're getting sand in my rainbow socks!" I said crossing my arms.

He began laughing as he threw more sand towards my feet.

"Grayson Dolan, get out of that sand box right now!" Miss. Willow yelled running over.

She was our preschool teacher.

"Time out. Now!" She said.

Bup stood up, walking over to sit in the corner. I sighed, now lonely without my bup. I loved bup. He was my very best friend.

Just then the doors opened and another class joined my class on the playground.

"Boo!" I called.

He turned in my direction, smiling while running towards me.

"Where's Gray?" He asked.

"Time out." I replied.

"Oh I wanted to play a game." He frowned.

"It's okay we can play a game!" I smiled.

We got some chalk and drew a hopscotch.

We got tired after a while and sat down.

"Boo, can I tell you a secret?" I asked.

"Yeah I wanna know!" He eagerly said.

"You and bup are my very best friends. More then anyone in the whole wide world!" I smiled.

"Sav you're our very best friend in the whole wide world too!" He smiled.

I hugged him, seeing bup sitting alone in the corner at time out still.

August 20, 2003

"Miss. Lisa can I please have a capri sun?" I asked.

I was at boo & bup's house and their mommy gave us some pizza.

"Sure Savannah." She smiled handing me a pouch.

"Come on let's go downstairs." Bup said.

I finished eating and ran in their basement.

"Lets watch a movie!" Bup suggested.

He turned on The Little Rascals.

"Ew, gross!" Boo screeched as the scene where Alfalfa & Darla kiss comes on.

"It's romance Boo duh." I said rolling my eyes.

"What do you now about romance?" Boo asked.

"Romance is when a girl likes a boy and they become girlfriend & boyfriend and they kiss." I stated.

"On the lips?" Boo asked.

"Yeah right on the lips!" I said.

"Ew!" He said.

"Come here Sav." Bup said taking my wrist.

He ran around to a small closet that held all their toys.

"Can we kiss?" He asked as he closed the door.

"On the lips?" I asked.

"Yeah." He replied.

"Like romance?" I asked.

He nodded his head.

"Okay!" I smiled.

"1...2...3!" I counted and we kissed each other on the lips!

"Woah!" Bup smiled.

"Are you my boyfriend now?" I asked.

"Yes." Bup said.

He hugged me and we ran back onto the couch giggling.

September 3, 2003

I stomped up the stairs and slammed my door shut. I grabbed my teddy bear as I cried into my blanket. My mom came running up the stairs.

"Savannah honey, maybe you'll like Texas!" My mom said running her fingers over my hair.

"I don't wanna leave bup & boo!" I cried.

She walked out of the room and I overheard her on the phone. She then opened my door back up.

"Come on, we'll go to Grayson & Ethan's house." She said.

I stomped out of my room and into the car. I wiped my tears away because I didn't want bup & boo to laugh at me.

We walked up to the door and rang the doorbell. Miss. Lisa opened the door.

"Hi Savannah." She smiled down at me.

I heard Bup & boo running down the stairs.

"Sav!" They smiled.

They hugged me and dragged me downstairs.

"Why do you look sad Sav?" Boo asked.

"Because I'm moving." I said sniffling.

"You're leaving?" Bup asked.

"Yes. To Texas." I whispered.

"Where the heck is Texas? Far away?" Boo asked.

"Yes it's very far away. I have to take a plane to get there!" I said.

Bup grabbed my wrist and pulled me into our secret closet.

"Can we still have our romance?" Bup asked getting tears in his eyes.

"Yes we can!" I smiled.

He kissed me on the cheek.

"Savannah, we need to leave." My mommy called.

I ran upstairs waving to the boys.

September 15, 2004

Today we are moving.
Everything is empty in my house. Bup & boo came over to say goodbye.

"I don't want you to leave." Boo cried hugging me tightly.

"Me either." I cried back.

Then Bup hugged me tightly.

"You're still my bestest friend ever!" He said.

"Here, I got you a gift." He said handing me a poorly wrapped present.

I quickly opened it. It was a small piece of string with my name on it. Sav, it read.

"You can tie it onto your suitcase & wherever you go I'll be with you. I got one for me and Ethan too, with our nicknames. Mine says Bup and his says Boo. We will tie it on our suitcases too." He smiled.

I hugged him tightly.

"Thank you." I said.

He quickly kissed my cheek.

"Bye." I said.

"Until we meet again." He whispered as I climbed into the car seat.

"Mommy I already miss them." I said as we pulled out of their neighborhood. "Don't worry Savannah, you're just a little girl. You'll make so many new friends." She reassured me. I shook my head as I rubbed the string now attached to my suitcase.

Hey guys! I hope you like this first chapter! Sorry if it was a little boring but the rest of the story will be in the present day not in the past. Please vote & comment what you think!

Until We Meet Again: Dolan Twins FanficWhere stories live. Discover now