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I had just finished a quest for Athena to show my worthiness of anabeths hand in mirraige. I walked into camp and heard people muttering 'I'm sorry' or 'you poor thing'. I didn't know what all this was about. I sent to the Athena cabin and her brother malcom awnserd the door. "Hi Malcom where's anabeth?" I ask him. He becomes nervous. I ask again and he's like oh yea shes at the beach. I run to the beach and I hear cheering. I see most of the camp and all the major gods gathered around a couple. Athena looked worked. I see my brother Nathan kissing a blond girl. Then it registered the girl is anabeth.

"Why?" I croak. "Why Anabeth. Him of all pepole." They all turn and see me. The gods go rage mode and try to attack me. Athena stands in front of me. "Perseus Achiles Jackson" posiden boomed "for conspiring with gaea and killing Sally Jackson you are banished from camp half blood." My home is rejecting me and my mother is dead. I just walk to the center of all the cabins. I stop next to the fire pit and I pull out riptide. I read the blade. I uncape riptide and aim it at my chest. The idea seems so inviting.

I make up my mind. I pull riptide thought my chest and then the gods flash in 1 by 1. "I curse all the gods of olympus to have no more children and if they shall they will die a horrible death unless I Perseus Jackson remove the curse personally. I remove this curse from the only gods that deserverve it Artemis , Heista and Athena they wher e the only gods who had my back. I also curse Anabeth to die by the age of 21 if she does not it means she has joined Gaea. " I say loud enough for the whole camp to hear. Then everything goes black.

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