Chapter 4

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I have realized I have a lot of votes for this book then usual and you don't know how happy that makes me considering how...unscheduled the updates for these books have been. I've been busy and still am busy with school, but I will try to make sure there isn't too long of a time space for the updates. I also put "please read" because if I was excited about an update I'd just straight up skip the authors note XD. But I put this so you'd know that the updates will be random :/ YOU MAY CONTINUE, MY BEAUTIFUL BOOK LOVERS.

Did he just call me little?
This chapter has a lot of p.o.v.s idk if some people like that or not, but if it irritates you at all just send me a message or place a comment telling me so I'll stop switching them so often.

Third Person P.O.V
Little! Delilah thinks bitterly.

Delilah absolutely despises the word! She doesn't remember much of her past, but she does remember the rude names she'd get called for being shorter than the rest of the children. Not only in the human world was it pointed out of her height, but was even worse in the animal kingdom. Larger animals always trying to prey on you as an easy meal just because you're "little." Delilah never asked to be petite!

The words that came out of the man's-who she now knows by the name of Derek- mouth angered and frustrated her. It's not like she could just tell him to stop, her speech isn't that great from the years lack of use. It's hard to remember the last time she used her voice before meeting Derek. Even when she does speak it hurts and feels like sandpaper rubbing against her throat.

Instead of telling him how she felt, she growled showing her hatred towards the word.

I had to hold back my urge to take her when I saw my innocent mate on my bed...bare...with my white sheets covering her, breast to mid thigh. Just so vulnerable, her eyes widened as she looked at me curiously from head to toe. If it wasn't for my strong self control I'm sure I'd have scared her off with my lust driven wolf.

The tail that I saw draped above her leg, was what made me realize that she hadn't completely shifted. I've never seen anyone do that, it fascinated me! Then again, I haven't even known there was such a thing as a fox shifter until the beauty laying before me came along.

A smirk tugs at my lips when I hear her growl at my comment.

I cant help but think, she looks cute angry. Like a spiteful pup believing it can take down anything that crosses it's path. I chuckle at the thought.

I decide to tease her just a bit. In faux confusion I ask, "What? You don't like being called little?"

Her growl intensifies as she unconsciously tries to stand and reach me.

I lunge to stop her before she hurts herself further. "Careful! You're in no condition to stand yet.

As much as I'd love to stand here and get to spend time with her, I have to remember the situation at hand.

"Nurse!" I yell in an authoritative voice.

I hear the sound of quick footsteps against the floorboards. A brunette with a her hair in a bun has her head peek through the door, "Yes Alpha." She says, pushing up her black glasses that rest at the tip of her nose.

"She's least halfway. It's enough for you for examine her properly." I explain.

She looks confused until she takes another step into the room and sees what I was explaining a few seconds ago. "Oh my..." The nurse who looks in her late 20s eye's widen in shock, and she seems just as curious as I was. If not, more.

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