The Death of A Hippogriff...

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"Hagrid-" I plead, but he's pushing me out the door.

"You're always awkward with Harry around, I don' wanna put ya in that position, Wren!" He closes the door and I hide at the side of the building until I hear them walk in. I sulk back to the castle, waving to buckbeak one last time.

"He was a good creature, only that rat Malfoy-"

"He's such a little monster!" I growl, "I'm going to tear his throat out."

"Wren, every time you stand up for yourself, everything gets worse!" Fred protests.

"Does is look like I give a damn, Weasley?" I sneer, storming through the halls until I find Draco, scaring a Hufflepuff third year.

"You tiny, worthless, coward!" I shout, giving the first year time to flee, "You go down there and you tell them not to do it!"

"Oh no!" Draco cackles, "What're you going to do? Curse me?"

"How could you?" I whisper, grabbing him by the arm and dragging him to the corner.

"Dad wanted me to get rid of Hagrid, saying he's too loyal to Dumbledore." He explains in a hushed tone, hurriedly, "You're a freak lover!"

"It's better than being a giant ass who takes order from daddy!" I turn my volume down, "Hagrid's my friend, you're hurting him?"

"He's a giant oaf, along with being a terrible teacher." He rolls his eyes, "you're so far beneath me, it's amusing!" He frowns apologetically at the last part.

"I may be beneath you but I'm above you when it comes to independence! At least I have a mind of my own!" I slug him in the face, "This isn't acting, Draco." I storm off, dodging Crabbe and Goyle, who try and grab me.

"You hit him? Wren!" George grumbles, jogging behind me, "You get into more trouble than we do."

"It's almost self destructive!" Fred laughs.

"Turn!" I run up to my room, but the door is ripped clean open, "What the hell?" I step over the pieces of my door, scouring the room.

"Padfoot's gone." George gawks, "Goddammit."

"Did I just let a potentially psychotic dog into the castle?" I freeze, "Are you kidding me? I am such a disaster."

"We're going to find him, don't worry about it, mate." Fred hugs me, "We've got this."

"We've got this." I whisper back, "Alright, Fred, can you get the whole left side of the castle, George, the right. I'll go look outside." I jog outside and catch Harry and Hermione running through the woods.

"The hell?" I mumble, running further, looking everywhere for my dog. I see Harry, Ron, and Hermione walking back towards the castle.

"Honestly, what's going on?" I whisper, see Ron flinch and shout out in pain, "Whatever!Where the hell is my dog?"


"No such luck." George frowns, Fred nods in agreement.

"Dammit!" I growl, "This is useless."

"Didn't you guys here? Snaps caught Sirius Black!" Seamus cackles, "They caught 'em!"

"Oh my god." I whisper, "I was right."

"No way." Fred widens his eyes.

"Good god, I feel like like such a prat right now." He laughs nervously, "I should've believed you."

"Whatever, I don't care, but he slept in the same room as me!"

"Why didn't he kill you?" Fred asks, "Isn't he crazy?"

"I don't know." I cross my arms, "I have to talk to Dumbledore."

"About what?" An amused voice chuckles from behind me, "What's wrong with you three?"

"Headmaster, I'd like to talk to Sirius Black." I take a deep breath, "I need to ask him a question."

"I believe he isn't taking visitors at the moment." Dumbledore raises his eyebrow, "Why is it urgent?"

"I just need to know how he got in." I lie, "Please?"

"He's in the tower. I'm not sure if you're allowed in but... I have to make up for being so biased against you. The highest tower. I'm sure you'll figure it out." He winks and walks off.

"Woah." I smirk, "I'm not forgiving him, but damn."

"Let's go!" Fred and George drag me to the highest tower and we meet a dementor at the door and I feel my whole life drain away from me, but shrug and push through it.

"Excuse me, but I have to talk to fudge." I explain, "He told Albus he'd like to see me?"

No reaction, so I shrug and run past, Fred and George at my heels.

"You should distract Fudge." I suggest, "I'll talk to black."

"Please be safe." Fred kisses my forehead, "Yeah, Georgie! I think it'll be great! Let's jump off the tower!" The run off and I can hear confused mumbling as Fudge leaves his position, chasing after the twins.

I walk right up to the door and knock.

"Um, hello?" I call through the wood.

"Wren?" Black rasps, "Wren, what're you doing?"

"Why didn't you kill me?" I ask, "Please, I don't have much time."

"I'm not a murderer. I was betrayed by a friend." I feel his body weight against the door, "I was protecting them, I told someone to confuse You-know-who, and they betrayed us."

Strangely enough, I believe him.

"I... thank you, Padfoot." I whisper through the door, "I wish I could get you out but... I'm useless."

"Don't say that to yourself. You remind me a lot of Remus. Remember, you're not a monster, kiddo." His smile can be heard through the door, "I believe in you."

"But... why are you here?" I ask, doubt settling in again.

"The man who betrayed me is here. Ron Weasley's rat- and don't worry, he's safe. The rat ran away. He's in the hospital now, I may have injured the boy, my apologies." He laughs a little, "Please, go. They'll be coming for me soon."

"I'm sorry." I rest against the door, "Maybe I can convince them-"

"You'll be in danger. They eliminate anyone in their way. Get out of here." He pleads.

"I'm sorry." My fingers brush against the door while I jog out, feeling worse than I did before. Shouting comes from the locked room and I turn around.

"Thank you, Harry!" Sirius shouts.

"Padfoot?" I call, "I mean, Sirius. What's going on?"

No answer, only the sound of huge wings. I run to a window and catch Buckbeak soaring away, Sirius on his back.

Thank god.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2015 ⏰

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