Your not worthless {i dont own this poem}

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You're Not Worthless.

{also I don't own this poem}

I know i'm just a familiar face in the crowd...

No special qualities

No movie star looks...

Just me.

But I'm sure i have some of the same problems that most of you do.

I used to self harm myself.

I used to spend my nights crying and

Finding various tools to cut open my wrists.

I also used to have an eating disorder

I used to not eat for days at a time

Cause i was so ashamed of how i looked

How i acted

who i was

I've been in your place

I've wanted to die

I've wanted to forget about life

To make everyone's life easier and just disappear...

But that's not true

Your life is valuable

You're not worthless

You're so special and you don't even know it

I know i'm not the best example but I've tried

I haven't hurt myself on purpose in over a year..

And it's not cause my life got any better

It's because I knew about all the people

That would cry over me, My friends

Family, Lovers. I didn't want to bring that pain onto anybody

I've known that pain it's not fun.

I have been working out my eating disorder

Trying to be a better person

Not just for me

But for anybody I want to be a role model

To any kids that struggled with the things I have.....

I'm so grateful for everybody in my life,

I'd be lost without all of you

Thank you

You saved my sanity

And my life


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