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"Are we there yet?" Emily whinned.

"No, now please be quiet?" Mom begged. We've been driving for the past 2 days straight and we should be getting to our new home soon. At least I hope so because I really need to shower.

"How about now?" Emily asked after a few minutes.

"Emily, stop whinning. You're 13." I said.

"And you're 15." She said back.

"So? What does that have to do with anything?" I asked.

"It means you think you're better than me." She said.

"No I don't!" I said. She really aggrivates me sometimes.

"Yes you do!" She said throwing her hands in the air.

"I can hardly talk to people! What makes you think that I think that I'm better than you!" I said. Our voices were progressively getting louder to the point where we were practically screaming.

"You-" She started.

"Enough! We're here!" Dad interupted. I looked out the window and saw the most amazing houses going by. We pulled up to one towards the end of the street. I looked at it in awe. It was a lot bigger and nicer than our home back in Poughkeepsie. There's no way we could afford this!

"Are you sure we have the right address?" I asked still staring at the house.

"Yes, this is the right address. Since they needed me to move for the job they payed the down payment on the house." He explained. I grabbed my bag and we all hopped out of the car. The moving truck pulled up right behind us. We all just stood there for a few minutes staring at the house.

"Well, I guess we better go inside." Mom said heading towards the door. We all went up and stepped inside. It was beautiful! It wasn't to fancy and it kind of felt...I dont know...lived in I guess. Kind of like home.

"So, girls. I think your rooms are upstairs. You each get your own now." Dad said. Emily and I turned to look at each other.

"I get first pick!" I shouted running up the stairs.

"No fair!" Emily shouted running after me. I could hear mom and dad laughing behind us. I finally reached the top of the stairs and took a sharp turn to the right where I saw two rooms. I sprinted to the one at the far end of the hallway.

"Holly carrots!" I said as I opened the door. The room was beautiful! It was a little bigger than our room back home. The walls were painted a light blue. there was also a small closet off to the left side of the room, nothing to fancy. There was also a small bathroom over to the right and a small bookshelf next to the door.

My favorite part of the room though was the little window seat at the far end of the room. I walked over, took a seat on it, and put my bag on the ground. There weren't any cousions or curtains on it yet, but I can fix that.

I could see the neighbor's house through the window. Actually, there was another window right across from me. The blinds on it were pulled shut though. I sat there for a while just staring out the window until I realized I still needed to take a shower.


A while later I hopped out of the shower and put the outfit I kept in my bag on. It was a pair of dark wash jean shorts and a sky blue v-neck t-shirt with a white tank top on underneath. Then I towel dried my hair and brushed it out to let it dry naturally since my hair dryer was still packed away and stepped out of the bathroom.

My suitcases were now lying on the floor with my bed placed haphazardly in the middle of the room. I guess they got to unpacking without me.

"Oh my gosh," Emily exclaimed, bursting into my room, "this house is so cool isnt it? My room is amazing and so is the rest of the house! And dont even get me started on the bathrooms! I already feel like I'm going to make a lot of friends here!" She looked like she just took a shower too. Her hair was still damp and she was wearing a bright pink t-shirt and shorts.

"It is pretty amazing," I agreed, "but I'm not to sure about the friend thing. I think I'll just try to stay low." Or maybe stay invisible.

Emily just rolled her eyes at me. "You're such a wallflower. Anyway, the reason I came in here was because mom and dad want us downstairs. The neighbors are over to meet us." She finished, turning around and heading towards the stairs. I followed...but being me I tripped down the last few steps into the living room. Great way to make a first impression.

"Ashley, come over here and meet the Constancio's." Mom said motioning me over to the couch. I went over and sat down. Dad and Emily were on the other end of the couch and there was a man and a woman sitting on the other couch with a boy around my age with two younger boys. One looked to be about Emily's age.

"Well, this is Mr. and Mrs. Constancio and their sons Alex, Andrew, and Adam." Mom explained. I smiled.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Ashley." I said politely. Mr. and Mrs. Constancio looked happy to meet me but Andrew and Alex couldn't look more disinterested. Adam looked a tad more excited to meet me but not by much.

Our parents then got into a conversation about who knows what while me, Emily, and the boys just sat there awkwardly.

"Mom I need to go meet up with Austin." Alex spoke up suddenly. The rest of their conversation dropped.

"Okay. Wait, how about you take Ashley with you? It would be a great way for her to make some friends before school starts." Mrs.Constancio suggested. My eyes widened.

"N-no, that's fine. I don't have to tag along." I stuttered nervously.

"Nonsense, it would be fun!" Mrs.Constancio insisted.

"No really. B-besides I still have to unpack." I stuttered again. I could feel my heart pounding in my chest. I snuck a look over to Alex to see how he was reacting to all of this and saw that he was just sitting there looking amused by this whole conversation.

"Oh well. Maybe some other time?" She asked.

"Yeah, sure." I lied. There was no way that was going to happen.


I plopped down on my unmade bed, the Constancio's finally left. I mean, don't get me wrong, they were really friendly but I just felt really awkward just sitting there. About 10 more times before they left Mrs.Constancio suggested that I should go catch up with Alex and his friend. Ha ha not a chance.

I glaced around my room at all the boxes strewn about the room and sighed. This is my new life. I have to start over. This is going to be one heck of a journey.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2013 ⏰

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