Part 18

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Chapter 17

Two hours. That was all I had left to complete the order for Crystal Marshal. She had paid and sent me the address early Friday morning, all I had left to do was finish icing the twelve cupcakes she ordered. It seemed easy enough, except the weather was not on my side. Heat and icing did not mix well and as a result, I was stuck icing one cupcake at a time and then placing it in the fridge as quick as possible. Having to deal with the overly stuffy kitchen had made things difficult but, I had finished in time. My only problem to deal with was on how to transport the cake. Sure my car was big enough but I needed someone to hold the cake while I drove.

Too bad my mother was at a school function.

"Hey Piper," I jumped when I heard Scott's voice behind me. I screamed in frustration when I realised I had dropped a cupcake on the floor when I jumped.

"Thanks a lot Scott!" I groaned and bent down to collect the smudged cupcake. I threw it in the trash and quickly collected another one. I ignored Scott as I let my hand squeeze the piping bag and watched as a pink swirl formed.

"I'm sorry, I should have warned you." Scott replied softly.

"Or you could have knocked. How did you get inside anyway?"

He pointed behind him, "The door was open. You really should learn to close it. It isn't safe."

"Oh, that's open because this place needs more ventilation. It isn't helping with my icing."

Scott leaned over me; his back pressing against mine. He rested his head in the crook of my neck, causing my body to shiver slightly. His body was warm and though it was already a very hot day, I welcomed his warmth that seeped through to me. His prickly beard scratched at my neck and it made me giggle at the ticklish sensation. I could smell him and it was enough to make me dizzy; his scent of furniture varnish and soap did something to my head.

"That looks cute. What's wrong with your icing?" His soft voice tickled my ear and I squished the urge to shiver and sigh happily.

"If it's too hot it melts the icing. If the icing is going to hold its shape, it has to be stiff." Scott kept his hands gripping the counter on either side of me.

"That makes sense, so what is this for?" He asked.

I finished piping the cupcake and placed it on the counter and quickly reached for the glitter I had nearby. I let the pink glitter sparkle and fall on the cupcake; letting it glisten in the light. "This is for a little girl called Abigail. It's her birthday today. It's a princess themed party. What are you doing here anyway?"

"Can I not want to visit you?" I turned my head so he could see the raised eyebrow I had. He dropped his head and mumbled, "Fine, your mother thought you could use some help."

I stopped sprinkling glitter on the cupcakes and turned completely to face Scott. I pulled my arms against me and folded them against my chest and glared. "Since when did you and my mother become such fantastic friends?"

He pulled away from me and rubbed at his neck nervously. "Uh we may have exchanged numbers a while ago."

"What for?"

"She um... look do we have to talk about this? It doesn't matter anymore."

I deepened my glare and he dropped his head quickly to the floor. "She wants to get us together. She thought if she had my number then it would make it easier."

I dropped my arms in shock, "What? Please tell me you are joking?" He shook his head and I felt my temper rise almost as high as the heat outside. "I am going to strangle her!"

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