Part 26

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November 26, Thanksgiving Day.

"How's everything going in here?" I turned away from my mashing and smiled at Phillip. "Smells good in here."

I smiled in return and continued mashing the potatoes. "Thanks, dinner is almost ready. The turkey is going to be another ten minutes and then we can eat."

Phillip groaned, "Thank goodness because I'm starving and if I have to hear your man talk about your amazing food one more time, I'm going to eat his arm."

I laughed, "Scott's just being Scott."

"What am I doing?" Scott entered his mothers' kitchen and immediately made his way over to me.

"Nothing," I answered and let him kiss me.

"Things smell good in here. I'm so glad you were able to convince mom to have a Thanksgiving roast."

Phillip nodded in agreement and I smacked his hand away when he reached for a piece of mashed potatoes. "Not yet." He pouted and left the kitchen.

"Call me when I can eat."

I smiled and turned to the oven when I heard the timer go off.

"Hey baby," Scott called from behind me.

I gathered the pan with the turkey inside and closed the oven door with my elbow. "Yes," I answered Scott.

"Can you put that down and look at me quickly?"

I did as he said and quickly placed the tray on the nearest counter. I put the cloth on the counter and turned around to face Scott.

I screamed when I found him on bended knee, his hands stretched out toward me with his eyes dropping tears. "My love, being with you is the best experience and I want it to last forever. I have no doubt in my mind that we'll last. I know you're still afraid of the forever but I'm not. I know there is no one else for me but you. You're it for me and I would love the honour of being your husband. I told you, I want to be your last. Piper, will you marry me?"

Tears streamed down my face and my lips trembled. I lunged my body at his and wrapped my arms around him. I kissed his face repeatedly and he laughed. "Baby I need you to answer me."

"Yes, I'll marry you Scott." He smiled and kissed me hard on the lips. I groaned into his mouth and kissed him with equal ferocity.

I pulled away and held his face in my hands, "I don't believe forever exist but I do know I believe in you. I love you so much Scott and I can't wait for my life to begin with you."

"I love you," He whispered and kissed me softly on my lips. I smiled.

Looking at Scott, I finally understood it, the quest for love. It wasn't in the thrill of the chase or the adrenaline rush in gambling your heart away. No, love was much more. It has no definition; for love in its beauty, is indefinable. It's simply knowing that in this messy, unreliable world- there is someone with whom to journey with and I had finally found that in Scott.

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