Another Loss, Another Heartbreak

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All of a sudden I could see people, women; girls, everywhere. But they weren't completely there. It was like they were some kind of faded memories.
I knew the place, I knew it all too well.
I ran over to the east wing and found myself walking past each dorm room until I reached mine. My roommate was inside.
I hear heels clicking vastly through the hall. At first I thought someone had found me but I turned around to see another faded memory walking towards me. I didn't bother moving because she walked right through my. It was my headmistress, Madam Brockovich. She barged in through one door and began to yell at Kristina.
"You ungrateful little girl. Tell me where Natalia is!" The Madam screamed at Kristina.
"I don't know where she is." She cried.
"I'm sorry, maybe I didn't make myself clear." She drew out a gun. "Where is Ms. Romanov?"
"Sh- She's in the bathroom. She said she wasn't feeling well, that something felt wrong."
"Did she now? Well I think we can fix that." She still had the gun aimed at her. She turned to leave but said one last thing. "Oh and Kristina. I am very disappointed in you. You showed weakness. You can not survive with weakness." She aimed the gun, and pulled the trigger. The bullet went straight through her head. Kristina was dead.
I screamed but no one was listening. No one could hear me.
I felt week in the knees. I turned to look if anyone had heard. But no one came to her aid.
The woman turned on her heels and left the room. I went over to Kristina, whom laid dead and cold in the floor. Soon her faded figure disappeared. I ran out of the room to find the Madam headed towards the bathroom. I knew exactly what was about to happen. When I got there, Madam was trying get into the stall.
"Natalia! Let me in!"
"No! You'll only hurt me!" I cried.
"No, I want to help you with your problem." She tried sounding calm.
"No you don't! You'll do to me, what you did to Sasha! You're evil!" I spat harshly.
"Why don't you take a look in the mirror! You and I are one in the same! How could you be so ungrateful to someone who took you in when no one else wanted you? I saw something in you that no one else saw. You have something else that none of these other girls have. Willpower.
I'm trying to help you. If you don't want this to happen again than I can take it away. Trust me."
There was a long pause before the door to the stall opened up. It was me. I knew it was me, but it was young me.
She slowly stepped out of the stall and stood in front of the wretched old woman.
"Now, Natalia, first thing you need to know and should have already known is that you never trust anyone." The woman grabbed her hand and started dragging her.
By now I was trying to resist her pull. Realizing my mistake. "NO! Let go of me!" She let out a blood curdling scream. I wanted to help her but knew I couldn't. It wasn't real.
"How could you do this? You, you evil, cold hearted, murderous... bitch!" She threw out a load of insults but the woman wasn't phased. She continued to drag me out of the bathroom. I knew where she was taking me.
Why was God making me witness my own tragedy? Why would he let me go through this twice?
Suddenly, I was no longer in the bathroom, I was in the sterilization room. I stood in the corner with my eyes shut and my hands over my ears. But that didn't it block out. I knew they were there and I knew I was screaming.
"Doctor. Have you prepped for the procedure?" They all stood around looking at me.
They could see me. How? "What?"
"Are you prepped for her sterilization?"
"No please! You don't wanna do this. Please don't." My younger self cried to me. It broke my heart. This was happening and couldn't do anything. Even worse, I was supposedly the one who was supposed to ruin her life. Taking something away from her that effects her for the rest of her life.
I remember what the doctor told me once he injected me with a drug that would soon sedate me.
*Flash back in a dream*
"I don't understand. Wh-what's going to happen to me?"
"This procedure is called a sterilization. It will prevent you from having children. And even if you were able to get impregnated, your body would not be able to carry it. You would lose it." The aging doctor showed no emotion.
With sight getting blurry and brain function getting hazy I asked one last question. "But what if I want children?" A single rogue tear fell from the corner of my eye. "Doctor please."
He stared at me blankly and still emotionless. "I'm sorry, those are not Madam Brockovich's orders."
"But I--- I um- I-" I was out at that moment and everything went black.
*end of Flash back and dream*

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