The Hunter

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when Li finished telling me her story of her and Jake, Jace, Jake, Li, and I headed towards their house. It was only a twenty minute walk from our house which made Jake very happy. I want Jake I do but I can't not after the abuse the torture the pain, but my wolf wanted otherwise. Once you meet your mate you automatically feel the attraction, like a magnet pulling you and them together.

Its just them and only them, you'd do anything to protect them, even give your own life as long as they're ok. "is that ok? "

I snapped my head up. " what? " Jake smirked " I asked if you wanted to go for a run later? All of us ?" I nodded " sure we could do a race or two then go swimming at the lake nearby " Jace suggested everyone nodded and we agreed to call up some more wolves and their mates. When we found Li's and Jakes house I gasped. It was SOOOOO beautiful! It was a log cabin sorta just bigger.

We walked in and I felt warm, the house had a cozy warm aura to it. There were stairs and a fireplace.

I headed up the stairs and found every little detail fascinating. This house was beyond beautiful.

I studied and touched every single thing. I was like a kid in a candy store with a million dollars. " I know its not huge or a mansion but its still alot to u- " I kissed him to shut him up. He was stunned but quickly recovered. Once he started kissing me I pulled away and he groaned. " the house is beautiful. Its cozy warm and and I don't know how to explain it " he smiled showing his teeth.

I searched around when Li came and asked if we were ready. I nodded and took the steps by threes. When I was out the door I shifted and so did everyone else. Jace's fur was similar to mine but less silvery.

I was pure silver with a red § Mark on my ear. Jace's was silver but a grey silver while mine seemed to glow.

Jakes and Li's were complete opposites.

Li's was auburn brown with hints of black while Jakes was black pure black with bright blue eyes. Li's were pale blue and mine were grey, Jakes were green he was the odd one. No one in my family had green eyes wolf or human, but somehow Jake got green eyes when in wolf form. I howled and we took off.

I ran and suddenly felt calm. I loved the feeling of the wind in my fur and my paws touching the ground.

The forest smelt wonderful, and the lake was nearby I could smell it. ' Jareth wants you. He wants us I want him' my wolf whispered. I growled ' well I don't want him or Jareth' my mates wolf had an interesting name. Jareth what a nice ring. ' you want him you just don't want to admit it '

' SHUT UP! '

I could practically feel my wolf rolling her eyes. Suddenly I heard a shot and I stopped. I transformed ( and yes I have clothes on its a skill you must learn that takes years of practice ) and looked around. I heard leaves rustle and I immediately turned towards the direction the noise came from. Damn!

I shouldn't have run ahead even if it was by accident. I cursed myself and tried to stay calm. Who knows it could be a human hunting for deer and not a wolf hunter. I felt dizzy so I steadied myself and prompt myself against a big oak tree. I was about to run off when I heard a gun cock and I turned around.

I saw a guy in his mid thirties with brown hair and brown eyes stare at me.

" uh hi my names Dani "

I smiled hoping he would put the gun down

" i'm not interested in your name "

I raised a brow

" umm ok but i'm not into the whole do it on the ground in the middle of the woods type of gal. I'm actually trying to save myself for marriage "

he looks at me like i'm crazy then burst out laughing " i'm not a rapist no oh lord!! That's a first! Gesh oh wow!! No i'm a wolf hunter "

he said the lady last part in a serious tone " preferably one that looks like this " he reached into his pocket and pulled out a picture that had a baby wolf that was pure silver with a § Mark on her ear in red. He pulled out another picture with the same wolf but older. I studied them and took it all in.

That wolf was me which meant that I was being hunted. " sir as a werewolf and an alphas daughter we have no wolf that looks like that. We have few wolfs that have grey fur much less silver fur. In fact i'm the only wolf in my pack with silver fur and I do not have this strange mark on me. But may I ask why are you hunting her or him? " the hunter took a moment to take in this information and nodded " the wolf she is to powerful. She is rare the only wolf with siren blood and fairy in her."

Well that would explain why I can sing well and convince others easily. But fairy blood? " I will tell my father the alpha of this and if I see a rouge with that marking I'll be sure to notify the wolf hunter comity immediately and capture the she wolf " the man smiled and handed me both pictures to keep.

I took them and I turned to leave but before I could he continued to speak " oh and I'll see you soon Dani you and your family "

With that he left and I took off running. I shifted and ran straight home. when I saw my house come into view I shifted and ran towards the house. I pushed open the door and saw 10 angry eyes on me. Everyone started yelling at me and I faked cried. Everyone stopped and started apologizing Jake and dad hugged me trying to calm me down. I smiled and pushed Jake away " ok I know you're bad but - "

"that's an understatement "

Jace said. I gave him a death glare and he pretended he was busy " like I was saying I know your mad but I have important news. I came across a hunter and - " " WHAT!?! " my dad yelled " calm down ok I have news and I don't have to tell you" That shut him up "anyways... They're looking for someone who looks like this " I showed them the pictures and they gasped. " that that's you Dani "Li said.

I nodded "the hunter gave me information on why she was being hunted. Mum dad you have some explaining to do"

my parents looked at each other and my mum nodded "sweetheart first go to bed its already 10 pm and you still have school tomorrow. I'll tell you when you get home. You and Jace " I nodded and went upstairs.

They continued talking downstairs and I took a hot shower. I hadn't realized I talked that long with the hunter or was it the run? I washed my body and scrubbed my hair. I wrapped my hair in a white fluffy towel and my body folding a piece in where my chest was. I stepped out and headed towards my drawer to find my PJ'S.

I sensed someone come in and turned around. I saw Jake staring at me checking me out. I suddenly felt naked under his glare. He used wolf speed and cornered me against the wall and I dropped my jamies.

He growled and I could feel his breath.

Ya we were that close

His eyes were black and he put his hands on my waist which ended up moving the towel down a little bit but threatened to fall.

"w-what did you need? "

he didn't answer instead he put his lips on my neck and started kissing and sucking on different parts of it.

I could feel the electricity and Sparks in my body. I let a moan escape and he undid the towel with a free hand.I shivered and he pressed his body closer to mine. He dipped his head into my breast and started kissing them.

I put my hands around his neck and pulled him closer enjoying the feeling this wonderful high he was giving me.

I felt something hard against my inner thigh and smiled. I decided to have some fun with him.

I put my hand up his shirt and traced his abs.

He licked my nipple and I moaned involuntarily.I got mad and he smirked.I trailed my hand down his abs and onto his V. I felt him stiffen and I smiled I ventured a little deeper and traced his crotch with my finger.

This time he moaned.

There was a knock on my door and I jumped

"just a sec" I put my towel on and slammed the restroom door to make it seem like I just got out and didn't foreplay with Jake. I opened it and Jace came in.he looked around and nodded. He passed a message on to Jake and Jake nodded.

He walked over kissed my temple and left.I shut the door and laid down I tried getting some sleep...tried

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2013 ⏰

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