Chapter XI

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~ Happy Sensei Day to all. Thank you teachers for teaching us to read and write, and more importantly, how to tell right from wrong. \(^^)/

~In (y/n)'s dream~
"Dad, Mum, how long is it till we reach there?" (Y/n) was nearly bursting with excitement for that day was her 12th birthday and her parents wete taking her somewhere speacial. Her mother turned to her and smiled kindly, putting a finger to her lips, saying " It's a secret little birthday girl!" (Y/n)'s father chuckled and looked at the young girl through the mirror. "Don't worry (y/n), we've planned this outing for months! We won't disappoint you." It was a snowy winter day (if your bday isn't in winter, please pretend it is) , with snowflakes coming down gently from the sky. (Y/n) grinned and looked out at the winter wonderland. (Y/n)'s father continued driving when the red lights changed to green, talking happily about what they would get (y/n) as a birthday present.

(Y/n) listened for a few minutes before just staring out the window, admiring the beautiful scenery. (Y/n)'s mother put her hand on her husband's arm and motioned to (y/n), who wasn't paying attention to her surrondings anymore. The couple smiled at the young girl and her father continued driving in a comfortable silence. Suddenly, a deer appeared out of the woods to the left of the road and leaped in front of the car. (Y/n)'s father swerved to avoid hitting the poor animal and the car went down the small hill. (Y/n)'s mother hugged her tightly as the car hit off a few trees and rocks. (Y/n)'s father's head had been hit by shards of glass and a stray rock while the car sped down the hill. Her mother still had her arms wrapped tightly around (y/n), but her pulse was weakening. After what seemed like forever, the car slowed to a stop. (Y/n) had cuts and bruises all over her arms and face, and was crying silently. "Mo-mom, Dad, answer me! Mom! Dad!" (Y/n) shook her parents arms in the confined space and after a long time, crawled out the broken window. Blood stained the snow as (y/n) crawled through it, crying and calling out for someone.

A red car pulled up on the road when the driver saw (y/n) and the man quickly got off the car, picking up (y/n) in his arms while a woman and her son sat in the car, staring at the young girl. The man set (y/n) in the car and looked around for any sign of an accident. He saw a car crashed into a tree and shook his head, while the woman muttered, " She's so young, losing her parents at such an age..." she shook her head. The red haired boy in the back stared at (y/n) as she cried while unconcious.

"(-n)! (Y/n)! Wake up!" (Y/n)'s eyes snapped open to see a worried Karma crouching beside her bed. "Kar-" Her voice broke and she started crying. Karma quickly pulled her into a hug, not minding that she was drenching his shirt. (Y/n) cried into Karma's chest as he mumbled softly, "Shh... its alright, you'll be alright..." (y/n) soon calmed down and pushed herself away from Karma. "I-im sorry- I woke you in the middle of the night..."Karma smiled gently and shook his head. "Nah, it's fine. Yiu were crying and making a ruckus so I came to check on you. We can go talk about this, want some hot chocolate? "

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