Chapter XXXIX

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That picture though... there are twice as many votes as there are comments! I have absolutely no idea why I'm so excited. On with the story!

"Ugh..." Karma groaned as he sat up. He looked around and blinked a few times before coming to his senses. 'Where's (Y/n)?' He scratched his head and got out of bed, stretching a bit. Walking out of his bedroom, he went to (Y/n)'s to check if she was there. Seeing she wasn't, he frowned and sat on her bed. Looking around the room, he saw that her pajamas were lying on the floor. Her wallet was also not there, meaning she had probably went out to buy something. Going back to his bedroom and seeing his keys weren't there confirmed his suspicion.

"When did she go? It's 8 in the morning." He grumbled and collapsed onto his bed. After a while, his stomach grumbled and he slowly got off his bed, going downstairs and getting some breakfast. Turning on the TV, he sat down on the couch and ate his breakfast. The news came on and Karma watched as they showed the usual weather and stuff. "'It will be sunny till noon.' I don't know, its raining right now." Karma sighed and stared out the window. "Moving on," the person continued, "we have some news." 'Well duh.' "At around 3am this morning, near a convenience store at Pancake Street, a car accident was reported. A young girl of around 16 (how old is the class? I'm not sure cause I don't have this system in my country.) identified as (l/n) (Y/n) was hit by a car while she was crossing the street..." The rest didn't comprehend in Karma's head as he immediately stood up, flipping the coffee table while doing so.

He stared wide eyed at the TV as the person continued talking. "She is currently staying at the Nishikino Hospital at 35 Noriaki street (if anyone gets any of these references, you get a virtual cookie). Currently in a coma-like state, only relatives and close family friendscare allowed to visit her (DA IRONY)." Karma didn't care about the rest and tore through the house, pulling on a sweater and grabbing his spare keys before slamming the front door open, barely locking it behind him and running down the street.

Nishikino Hospital was right behind Kunugigaoka, so Karma knew the way. He barely dodged the people walking on the streets and when he could, climbed up a building and began jumping from roof to roof. He reached the hospital and rushed in, the cold air quickly meeting him. He came to a stop at a counter and looked at the man sitting there and looking at him. Karma caught his breath and said, "(l/n) (Y/n). Where is she?!" The man raised an eyebrow and said, "Your relationship with her, sir?" "I'm her boyfriend. Now where is she?!" The man typed something on his computer and turned back to Karma. "Level 3. Room 230. And no running in the hospital!" He said the last sentence a bit louder as Karma sped off. He slowed to a speed walk and walked up the stairs as fast as he could.

When he got to the level, he sped up a little and found the room. Taking a few deep breaths, he reached for the door knob and pulled open the door. (Y/n) lay on the bed with a hospital gown on. Her breath was shallow and there were many machines attached to her. And her cat ears and tail were gone. He took a seat beside the bed and sighed. 'How did she even get hit by a car? She's usually really careful...' He grasped her cold hand and sighed. 'Wake up soon.' He lay his head on the bed and soon fell asleep.

~~In reader-chan's dream world~~
"Ugh... huh?" (Y/n) sat up and looked around. It was really bright and she quickly covered her eyes. "Where am I?" "You're in the Underworld of course." (Y/n) turned to see a dark man slowly walking towards her, a dark helmet gleaming on his head. "No I'm not. The Underworld isn't so bright." The man titled his head. "Oh? And how would you know?" (Y/n) furrowed her eyebrows and looked around. "Are you Greek?" He stopped walking at that question and smiled at her. "Why yes, I am indeed Greek." (Y/n) looked at him as he continued advancing towards her. "I'm not dead yet, so I can't be in the Underworld." He stopped in front of her and spread his hands, "How would you know that?" (Y/n) didn't reply and just stood there, staring at the pure white ground. "Why did you come all the way just to meet me?" She lifted her head to look at the man. "Well, Death just had a lot of trouble trying to take you. Your will to live is too strong. So i will give you 2 options. One, you will continue living, but that person beside you will never be back in your life. Two, you will die, but will see that person again somewhere.

"I..." (y/n) frowned and sighed. "I choose-"

~~Back to Karma~~
Karma woke up with a start and shot up, staring at (y/n). "Are you her boyfriend?" Karma turned to see a middle aged man standing behind him, checking all the computers. He was wearing a white lab coat (like a scientist) over a long sleeved white dress shirt and a dark blue vest. Karma simply nodded in reply and looked back at (y/n). The doctor noticed his actions and sighed. "I can't assure you about her condition, we tried what we could. I'm guessing the shock when she got hit shocked her to this state." Karma just nodded, half of what the doctor said not registering in his mind. The doctor walked out of the room just before as Karma felt a little squeeze on his hand and a loud sound filled the room.


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