Wattpad and fanfiction's

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Yumi: *come's walking in while typing on the tablet*

Yugo: Did we get any question's or dare's yet!?

Yumi: No not yet.

Dally: What are you doing?

Yumi: Writing a story.

Yugo: You write story's!? I love story's! Can you read it to me?

Yumi: Well... It's not exactly a story you might understand...

Yugo: Aww... *pout's*

Yumi: *sigh's* here, hold this for a moment, I'll be right back. No one is aloud to turn it on. *hand's the tablet to Yugo and run's off*

Dally: Do you guy's see her any where's?

Eva: *shake's her head*

Dally: Good, Yugo can I see that for a second? *point's to the tablet*

Yugo: Sure Dally. *Hand's it to Dally*

Dally: Now how do you... *presse's button* on... Oh... Now what was she doing... Aha! Found the story!

Yugo: Were not sapost to turn it on! What if Yumi come's back?

Dally: I wanna see what she's hiding from us. *continue's swiping through Wattpad story's on profile* Hey look, I found the story she was writing, its called... Yumi the Eliatrope. Why would she write a story about herself?

Eva: *face palm's* Iop- Brain, it said Fanfiction. It mean's that she's a fan about something and she wrote her own fictional story about it. And I don't think she wrote it about herself.

Dally: Oh... *tap's on the story to read*

Amilia: What are you doing!!!

Ruel: Yeah, this tablet is like the most precious thing to her, just like my bag... But junior's even more precious! *hug's junior*

Adamai: Ruel's right.

Yugo: Yeah, its not polite to invade someone's personal space. *crosse's his arm's*

Dally: Don't you guys wanna hear the story?

Yugo: *groan's* Yes.

Amilia: One of the tag's does say 'love' on it, I'd like to hear it.

Dally: Alright then! Its settled! Everyone get comfortable.

*everyone sit's in a circle around Dally*

Dally: *clear's throat* Ready?

*Everyone nod's*

Dally: Okay, here we go; I woke up... At least, I think I did? Only to see...

*After the story*

(A\N: Just gonna tell you how everyone reacted to the story. Eghem! *clear's throat*: Dally and Eva were smirking and laughing at Yugo and Adamai, Amilia wouldn't talk to Yugo and tell Adamai to say it to him for her, Ruel was leening on the wall snickering at Yugo, and Yugo and Adamai were staring into 'space' while blushing dramatically.

Yumi: Hey I'm back. *Step's through portal while chewing on her last pieces of cookie* What you guy's do when I was gone?


Yumi: Guy's...? *cautiously walking up to everyone* Wait a minute... *Gasp* You all read my story!

*still silence*

Yumi: *blushing dramatically just like Yugo and Adamai* Uhh... *Gulp* Hey, I'm not that Yumi, that's just a character I made up that I named Yumi.

*everyone let's out a sigh of relief*

Dally: Thank Iop, I thought you had a crush on Yugo for a second... And who's Amira? Never mind that... If you did have a crush on Yugo then I'm sure Amilia would rip you to bit's!

Yumi: *smirk's* well if Amilia did that, and if I didn't know any better I would say Amilia would be jealous.

Amilia: *freeze's*

*Five minutes later*

Amilia: Dally! Yumi! *chase's after the two ready to kill*

Dally: Well it's true! Everyone knows you like him! *run's for his life*

Yumi: just wait for the dare's and question's we'll make you two do together! *run's for her life as well*

Dally & Yumi: Amilia and Yugo sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G! *sing's*

Yugo: *Blushe's like crazy!*

Adamai: *laugh's his head off at Yugo!*

Yumi: *still running for her life* Hey Peep's! Don't forget to ask us question's and dare's! Leave them in the comment's! And do some that involve Amilia and Yugo please! And HELP!

Amilia: Who are you talking to! *still running after Yumi and Dally*

Yumi: The people who read this dang book that's who! *run's off into the distance* YOU CANT CATCH ME! I SHALL LIVE! LIVE I SAY! *scream's while running off into the distance from Amilia*

(A\N: (Yumi the Eliatrope) is a real book, please read it.)

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