Spin the bottle

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Yumi: RUN FOR YOUR LIVES ITS A DARE! *flail's arm's around like a maniac*

*cricket sound's*

Amalia: Doesn't it depend if it's good or not? *crosse's arm's*

Yugo: *nod's*


Dally: *running around the room while flailing arm's around like a mad man* AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!

Eva: *face palm's* Iop-brain.

Yugo: I'm sure it's not that bad.

*One hour -of persuasion, threatenening and forcing the brotherhood of Tofu to do it- later*

Amalia: I dont wanna play!

Yugo: I don't even know what it is.

Yumi: you'll figure it out once we shove you in the closet with someone. Now spin the bottle. *point's to the bottle*

Yugo: What are you sapost to do in the c-


Dally: Aren't you playing?

Yumi: CanadiaCake10023 never dared me to join you guy's, so I'm just gonna watch.

Yugo: Okay... *Reache's to spin the bottle*

Amalia: Wait!

Yugo: What?

Amalia: Maybe... Uh... You should let Eva go first?

Yugo: Okay, Eva you wanna go?

Dally: The only way she's gonna go is if the bottle land's on me when she spin's it. *grab's hold of Eva and doesn't let her go*

Eva: It's alright Yugo. I'll just let you go first. *stare's at the bottle out of worry of being landed on or chosen or... You know what I mean*

Ruel: I only agreed to play cause you promised me a million kama's!

Yumi: You only get it if the bottle land's on you.

Ruel: I don't like lose-lose situation's. *crosse's arm's*

Yugo: Why is everyone so worked up about this?

Adamai: *come's walking through the door* Hey guy's, what are you... *see's the bottle* um... Yugo? Do you even know how to play?

Yugo: *shake's his head* Yumi won't let anyone tell me.

Adamai: Okay... Well... When you spin the bottle and it land's on someone, you have to go in a closet and-

Yumi: Adamai! Where were you! Come play! The ENTIRE brotherhood of Tofu was dared to do this.

Adamai: Well...

Yumi: *drag's him over and sit's him in the circle* Okay Yugo, spin the bottle.

Yugo: Okay... *spin's the bottle and goes around the Brotherhood of Tofu five time's... Slow's down... Passe's Dally... Passe's Eva... Passe's Adamai.... Slow's down a bit more... Passe's Ruel... Make's it to a stop and land's on....

... Amalia*

Amalia: *blushe's like crazy*

Yugo: *couldn't help but think it's cute when Amalia blushe's... Wait what?* What's... What's wrong Amalia?

Amalia: Yumi, should you tell him here... Or should I... *gulp* show him in the closet...

Adamai: *burst's out laughing* Yugo is obviously gonna enjoy it since he told me he love's you, Amalia.

Yugo: *face turn's as red as a tomato* W-well u-u-um... W-well I-I-I um...

Amalia: *give's Yugo a sweet smile* Really?

Yugo: *blushe's even more* um w-well u-um I-I-I uh... Well...

Yumi: Alright love bird's, into the closet you go! *shove's Amalia and Yugo into the closet* Alright, seven minute count down start's now.

*in the closet*

Amalia: *blushe's like crazy*

Yugo: *in la-la land thinking about how beautiful and amazing Amalia is* *realise's what he's thinking* *face go's red as he stare's into Amalia's eyes... It was pretty dark but they were really, really, REALLY close to each other. I mean seriously! You call this a closet! I call this a crammed box! But don't worry there was plenty of space to move around. So they weren't really in a box and-

Yumi: Can you just narate properly please! This is the best part!

*sorry, sorry. Where was I? Oh yeah!*

Yugo: Um... A-Amalia? What are we sapost to do in here?

Amalia: *blushe's like crazy* Um... M-maybe I can show you. But first... You need to... Close your eye's.

Yugo: Okay. *close's eye's* they're closed. So what do we do n-

*Amalia kisse's Yugo... And not the head, not the tip of his nose, not the cheek... His lip's.*

-I am going to start narating like this was one of my other story's. Really detailed, and not really inappropriate. Don't worry, it's appropriate for all age's- Orrrrrr... 10-14

"U-um... A-Amalia? What are we sapost to do in here?" Yugo ask's as he stare's into Amalia's light green eye's, slowly getting caught in a daze.

Amalia's cheek's turn a light rosy red as she think's of what to do. "Um... M-maybe I can show you. But first... You need to... Close your eye's."

"Okay." Yugo obey's as he quickly shut's his eye's. "They're closed. So what do we do n-"

Amalia quickly lean's in but gently place's her lip's on Yugo's. Yugo is shocked and stiff for a moment but quickly loosen's up and sink's into the kiss. They're lip's were in sync. Amalia slowly lowered down to her knee's as she placed her arm's over Yugo's shoulder's as Yugo slowly, gently and cautiously wrapped his arm's around her waist. The two kissed for about a minute till...

*back to the normal question's and dare's narating system!*

Yumi: *quickly whipped the closet door open* And time's up! C'mon let's go... *see's the two kissing* Oh... I think I'll just... *slowly and quietly close's the door*

Adamai: I didn't know Yugo could kiss like that!?

Yumi: Well you never kissed him before so how would you know?

Adamai: good point.

Eva: isn't he a little young to even be kissing like that?

Dally: I cheer for Yugo! Yeah you go boy! Woo!

Ruel: Congratulation's Yugo, I am going to go tell Alibert... And maybe little message to king Oakheart Sheram Sharm wouldn't hurt... *slip's out the door*

Adamai: Sheram Sharm is so going to squish Yugo...

Eva: But seriously. Isn't he a little young to be kissing like that?

(Yugo is twelve and Amalia's thirteen)

Yumi: You are never too young for love. I sooooooo ship them.


Writing this was a little awkward, just so you know.

Thank you so much CanadiaCake10023 for daring the brotherhood of Tofu, I'm sure most of the Amalia and Yugo shipper's were really freaking out about this and going crazy soooo.... But spin the bottle was a really good dare, I was actually waiting for someone to dare them all to play spin the bottle. Once again thank you so much CanadiaCake10023 for dareing the brotherhood of Tofu.

And people out there that read this and only think of dare's, at least think of a few question's along WITH a dare.

Alright, see ya later Peep's!

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