chapter 10

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3 weeks later:
" Ben, Ben wake up." I say.
" what's wrong?"
" I think it's time."
He scoops me up and takes me to the hospital. It hurts but I'm so happy I'm finally going to meet our daughter.
I start to cry. I can't help it, I'm a mix of emotions. Ben wipes my tears and I let my head rest on his shoulder. He kisses my forehead. Once we get to the hospital Ben carries me in and they put me on a hospital bed. They have Ben stand outside the room. I begin to become a nervous wreck. Growing up my mom wasn't always there. But our daughter isn't gonna have to worry about having a mom who won't be there for her. I won't let myself do the same thing my mom did to me.
10 minutes later:
I begin to hear crying and I know right then it's my daughter. I even start to cry. They roll me out of the surgery room into a recovery room. And it's finally happening. The place my daughter in my arms. She's beautiful.
She's got ben's eyes. And she smiles, her little blonde hairs stick up.
" welcome to the world baby." I say and I realize I have to name her.
Ben comes in and has the biggest smile on his face. I hand her over to Ben.
" hey there little girl." He says.
He kisses me and says " mal you did it."
And right away I know what to name her, Charlotte evie.


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