Chapter One: Artemesia Prince

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A young girl was kneeling beside the body of Severus Snape. Tears have smudged her eyeliner and left black marks on her pale cheeks. She has tried every healing spell she could remember, but none of them worked. He was dead. The giant pet snake of Lord Voldemort has violently snatched him out of her life. For hours, Artemesia Prince has been crying over the dead body of her father. She wept and begged for him to miraculously come back to her,  but Snape had already taken his final breath. The battle of Hogwarts continued on and on as she wept beside him. After a while though, there were no sounds but the wind whistling through the trees and the fiant, distant cries of those, who survived. She layed down beside her father and pressed her soft cheek against his chest. Her robes and skin were tainted with his blood. The events of the passed night came back into her head and she felt all the horror once more.

Artemesia was fighting against giant Acramantulas with her friends, Alexis and Zeek,  as she saw Lucius Malfoy stagger away with Severus Snape. She decided to follow them after she and her friends had killed the big spider. The young witch was also an Animagus and could transform into a raven. Even then, her eyes remained ice blue. She quickly ran after Malfoy and Snape,  transforming into a raven before she got too close. As she swiftly flew over their heads, her father's head tilted upwards and she could see, that he had recognized her. His eyes were filled with worry and pride. He knew his daughter was brave, but he wanted to keep her safe. Which is why no one, except three other people, had known of her existence. Artemesia knew that something horrible would happen soon. That the Dark Lord hadn't summoned her father for advice. She followed them to the boatshouse near the black lake and hid on the branch of a nearby tree. Voldemort had sent Lucius away and was alone with Snape and Nagini. The snake hasn't left the Dark Lord's side since the battle began. Behind the tiny house near the lake, Harry Potter and his friends hid behind a wall. Severus Snape stood on the other side. Artemesia knew, she had to remain hidden and silent, no matter what would follow. So she hid there, in the tree, camoflaged by the darkness and her black feathers. She couldn't hear what the Dark Lord said to her father, but as he swung his wand and Snape tumbled backwards, she knew what was happening. Shortly after her father fell to the ground, the snake lunged foward and repeatedly sunk it's teeth into Snape's neck. Artemesia's heart was shattering more with each attack of the snake.She screamed inside her head and begged the snake to stop, but no one could hear her cries. After Voldemort had left the boatshouse, Harry Potter and his friends, Hermione Granger and Ronald Weasley, entered. As they left the small house, their faces were shocked and even sad. Everyone, including them, thought that Snape had murdered Dumbledore out of cold blood, but Artemesia knew the truth. She flew down from her branch and transformed back into a human form. „Accio robes.",she whisperd with a shaky voice. Her robes came flying across the grounds and into her arms. She quickly put them on and rushed inside the small house. The sight of her father laying in pools of his own blood made her clasp her hands in front of her mouth, so she wouldn't scream. His dark eyes were wide open in fear and pain, so she crouched down beside Severus Snape and gently shut his eyes with shaking hands. She collapsed to her knees and began sobbing.

Heavy footsteps have awoken the young girl from her painful memories.„Blimey! What're ye doin' here, girl?", Rubius Hagrid asked as he entered the boatshouse. It was so small, the half-giant almost had to kneel. She looked at the big man and began sobbing again. „Voldemort killed him! He killed my father!", she cried and the gentle giant took her hand. „I didn't know he had a child.", Hagrid admitted. „No one can know!", Artemesia demanded and he nodded. She gave her father a last kiss on the cheek before she said: „Goodbye, dad", and left the boatshouse and Snape behind. The sun has risen above the ruins of what was left of Hogwarts. Rubble was strewn all across the grounds and smoke was rising out of some parts of the castle. Hagrid guided her to the great hall. She had completely forgotten, that a Death Eater's curse had hit her shoulder. Searing pain began to spread through her left arm. „Are ye hurt, girl?", Hagrid asked. Artemesia nodded softly and sat down on a bench next to a sleeping Hufflepuff girl. „Wait here. I'll fetch somethin' for ye.", he said and went away. Her heart ached. So many people had died in the battle. So many good people, innocent people. She began to fear, if her friends Alexis and Zeek had survived, but was unable to get up from the bench. She cradled her arm and soon Hagrid returned with Madam Pomfrey. The healer looked exhausted. Blood stains from various injured and dead were all over her apron. „Let's have a look.", she gently said and began to examine Artemesia's shoulder. The young witch didn't say a word. She let Madam Pomfrey do her work and after she finished, Artemesia mumbled: „Thank you, Madam Pomfrey". She remained at her seat next to the sleeping Hufflepuff student and gazed through the Great Hall. So many people were injured, even a few houseelves were among them. They shared the Great Hall with the dead. There were blankets covering several bodies. Artemesia stood up and slowly began to walk around, keeping an eye out for her friends. She approached Professor Slughorn, house teacher of Slytherin. „Excuse me, Sir, have you seen my friends? Alexis Hazeltree and Zeek Duran.", her voice sounded small, tiny even. The young girl was already broken over the loss of her father. They just had to be alive. Professor Slughorn, who had a few minor injuries himself, turned around to her. „My dear Ms. Prince, I am afraid I have bad news. Unfortunately, I have mostly only bad news.", the old man said and tears formed in his eyes. He was tired and heart broken to see so many of his students and former students either dead or injured. Artemesia began to shake.„No, no, no, no.", she mumbled, bursting into tears again. Slughorn opened his arms and embraced Artemesia. Sobs rocked her body while Horace Slughorn tried all his best to comfort her. „Where are they?", she asked. The professor sighed and nodded. „Here, this way.", he whispered and guided her over to two bodies covered in blankets. The Slytherin girl held her breath as two assisting students pulled down the blankets and revealed their faces. Artemesia sunk to her knees immediately and cried between the bodies of her friends. Alexis was missing an arm, it seemed like someone had ripped it off with brute force. Zeek was crushed to death by one of the giants. Her two best friends and her father, they were all violently murdered. Artemesia's cries filled the air and mingled with the sounds of sorrow and despair around her. Together they formed a dark, sad choir. Although the Dark Lord has been defeated, no one felt like celebrating. They had lost too many lives. Professor McGonagall, who was now headmistress of Hogwarts, rushed over to Artemesia and assisted her to stand up. „My dear child, come with me.", she said and caringly wrapped one arm around the sobbing Slytherin girl. Together they walked out of the Great Hall, onto the big staircases and into McGonagall's new office. As soon as Artemesia stepped inside the room, she could smell all those familiar scents that her father carried with him. The scent of old parchment, various potions and their ingridients. She closed her eyes for a moment, hoping to feel the presence of her father. For a brief Moment, she felt his hands on her shoulders and along with a small, almost unnoticeable breeze, a whisper: „I'm here".

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