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"Calum!" I screamed, running to him, holding him in my arms. My tears turned into racked sobs. "Why him? Take me you fucking bastard! Take me!" I screamed into the air. "Calum, please wake up, wake up!" I screamed, shaking his lifeless body. As I shook him, I felt my hand get wet. I looked at my hand and it was covered in Calum's blood. I looked up and noticed the wall. Over and over, in red, the wall had "REMEMBER 367" written on it. My heart raced even more than it was before, and I ran into the bathroom and grabbed a washcloth and band aids. I ran back and cleaned up Calum's blood, blinded by tears. I put my head on his chest, begging God to let his heart be beating.

I heard the fainted bit of beating, and began crying happy tears. I hugged him, and through my tears, I said, "I swear we'll make it out of here alive,"

I closed my eyes and tried to stop crying. I opened my eyes to see a man standing in the doorway of my bedroom. I quickly stood up saying, "who the fuck are you?" The slim boy, no more than twenty years old said, "don't act like you don't know who I am... Michael," he began walking towards me. "how the fuck do you know my name?" I asked walking backwards. "You see, Michael, we actually know each other quite well," I backed up into the wall and he trapped me, caressing my cheek with his large hand. "Please, man, just leave me alone," I begged, trying to move my head away from his touch. "Can I ask you something Michael?" He asked, I moved my head back to its original spot, as we made heart-stopping eye contact. His blue eyes burned into mine as he asked, "Do you know anyone named Luke?"

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