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Don't you hate it; that feeling you get when you've been pushed and all that surrounds you is air. The air rushes by you as you fall to the ground. Before, I had never known just how scary it was to fall, that is not before now.


I open my eyes and take a look around me. My thoughts are racing around in my head, 'Where are we,' they scream at me, 'How did we get here'

Falling. Falling. That horrible feeling in my gut, hair wipping across my eyes though I can still see; Her face the one who pushed me.

'Who are we? What is our name? How did we get here' the voices demand answers to questions i cannot answer. All I knew was it hurt, everything around me was tinted red in my pain. I could feel the blood running down my back. "How was I wounded? What happened to me?" I question the voice, but there is no reply, only silence.

Suddenly I see it, a flash, quick as lighting hits me. I can see it, I can see her, her face grinning wickedly at me making me cringe. Blood soaked her body as I felt the pain of something ripping across my sholder blades.

I'm scared now, something in my body was screaming at me to get up, to leave where I was while I still can. Slowly I rise, wobbling and almost blacking out from the pain, but I worked through it and used the trees for support as I walked out of the small clearing I was in, and made my way down a worn down path in the forest. Following what my gut was telling me, for it knew my memory could not. I stumble and grab hold of a tree for support as my head starts to hurt.

It was her, that grin, her light blue eyes, ice cold and freeing me down to my very core. I could not forget this, no matter all the memories I have lost, the only part I know of my self is this. This girl, my age with her long silky blonde hair hitting her hips, it was staining red from the blood as she froze me, the straight locks losing their shine. It was she the one person i had trusted fully, my very best friend, my mentor, and she is the very one who sent me to my death with a smile on her face. The last and only words I remember come from her, looking at me with those cold eyes and saying. "You should have never left your tower, little white wings.

Soon I gained back my balance and I let the 'voice' lead me out of the woods, and into a field of flowers. Thousands upon thousands of blooms, all unique and special. My mind was in awe of the beauty, and as I stared at the blooms a hay flicker of a scene played in my mind.

I was staring at a field at midnight the full moon in the sky with an uncountable number of stars. The field was full of flowers opening up in the moon light, petals pale as the moon shining brightly. I could feel someone next to me, someone telling me of the flowers though I couldn't see them.

As quickly as it came the image faded into the back of my mind. My head felt like a hammer was banging against it. I took another look around as I was walking through the field and i could see a cute white home with a porch and rocking chairs on it. I walked closer to the house, listening to the voice telling me to do so, but at the edge of the flower field i foun di could no longer move, my body wouldn't listen. As my vision started to fade, I wonder what could I have possibly done to deserve my fate.


Ok, well this is the first chapter of my story, this is the first one I have ever put out for others to read so please leave reviews and comments on how i could do things better or if i did something wrong

thanks :)


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2011 ⏰

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