Running From My Problems

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~Jordan's pov~

The next morning I woke up alone in the living room. I checked the time on my phone. "6:48 AM" Damn it was early. I struggled to go back to sleep as the memories from the night before came flooding back to me. I was stupid, so, so stupid. I've wanted Bryan for as long as I've known him and I completely rejected him when I finally got my chance.

Seeing as I wasn't going to be able to sleep any longer, I decided to get up and ready for the day ahead. Walking into the hallway bathroom I bumped into something. More like someone. I looked up as my eyes met Bryan's. He quickly averted his eyes and walked right past me. No "hello", no "good morning", nothing. I felt a pain in my chest knowing that I was the one who caused all of this. I should've just confessed and told him I felt the same way. But now it was too late, Bryan would never forgive me for what I said.

After I was ready, Johnnie asked Bryan and I if we wanted to go to Chipotle considering we all hadn't eaten anything for breakfast. The car ride there was painfully awkward.

"What's wrong with you guys?" Johnnie asked us once we all sat down at a table.

"Nothing's wrong" Bryan said calmly with a shrug of his shoulders.

"Jordan?" Johnnie directed his gaze towards me.

I started getting nervous. I was never good under pressure and both Johnnie and Bryan were staring at me. I tried to put on a smile "Oh nothing at all! I j-just didn't sleep well cause of that scary movie last night!"

"Oh okay! I thought there was a real problem but it's just you being a scaredy cat!" Johnnie chuckled.


~Bryan's pov~

Why did I ever agree to this? I was supposed to be keeping my distance from Jordan and here I was sitting across the table from him.

"What's wrong with you guys?" Johnnie must have sensed something was going on, none of us have spoken since we got into the car. I tried to be nonchalant as I gave him a quick "nothing's wrong" before he turned towards Jordan.

Jordan started blushing as he glanced over towards me. God, he's adorable when he's all flustered like that. No, I had to stop thinking that way, I just had to keep telling myself that "He doesn't like you, and he never will. He said so last night."

Jordan and Johnnie were talking when Johnnie's phone rang. "Oh it's Kyle!" Kyle was Johnnie's boyfriend. They were in a long distance relationship since Kyle lived in Ohio. "I'm gonna go take this! Be right back." Johnnie got up from the table and it was just me and Jordan left. Shit.

"Bryan?" Jordan tried to talk to me but I just squeezed my eyes shut, willing myself not to look towards him. I knew that if I saw his sweet face, my resolve would crack. "I know you're mad at me but I have to tell you something." I still wouldn't look. "Bryan please talk to me!"

"No!" I yelled slamming my fist on to the table top. "I tried to open up to you last night but you completely shut me out! Now I'm gonna show you how it feels, we're done talking!" And with that I fled the restaurant, once again trying to outrun my problems.


~Authors Note~
Bryan you fool, why don't you listen to Jordan?! I swear guys there will be fluff coming up soon! <3 Oh yeah and bonus points for the mention of Khonnie!! Maybe I'll start a fic about them too who knows!

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