Motherly Johnnie

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~Jordan's pov~

The minute Bryan ran out the door I broke down crying. I just couldn't hold it in any longer. I was upset and frustrated. I couldn't tell Bryan that I loved him and now he wasn't going to have anything to do with me anymore.

Johnnie's eyes widened when he got back to the table and saw me balling my eyes out. "Dude what happened?! Where's Bryan?"

"C-can we p-please just get out of here?" I said in between sobs.

"Yeah come on." Johnnie said while guiding me to the car.

The minute we got into the car Johnnie turned towards me. "Okay I need to know what's going on. You and Bryan have been acting strange ever since last night so spill. Now."

"I messed up." I spent the next 30 minutes crying some more and telling Johnnie all about what happened with Bryan. I even told him about how we kissed and how I really loved him but didn't have the courage to say so.


~Bryan's pov~

After I ran out of Chipotle, I went back to the apartment. I felt horrible for yelling at Jordan like that. I can't get the face he made when I yelled at him out of my mind. He looked like a kicked puppy.

"Bryan! Get in here now!" Oh no. I heard Johnnie slam the door open and go into the living room.

When I walked into the living room, Johnnie was standing next to Jordan who was sitting on the couch. His face was red and splotchy. Had he been crying?

"Jordan told me everything Bryan! And both of you need to sort this out! I'm not gonna put up with the two of you ignoring each other when we're all supposed to be friends! I'm gonna leave this room and when I come back, we are all going to get along!" And with that, he stalked off to his bedroom.

Jordan finally looked up from his feet and began talking. "Bryan I really do need to talk to you. I li-"

"Jordan, it's okay. Honestly I shouldn't have yelled at you like that. It's not your fault that you don't like me and I realize that now. I'm sorry. For everything." It was true. Jordan can't help that he doesn't have feelings for me and it was wrong of me to blame him.

"No you don't get it!" Jordan said moving closer to me. He put his hand up to my cheek and said the three words that I've been dreaming of hearing for as long as I can remember. "I love you."


~Authors Note~
Sorry it's been so long since I've updated and this chapter is hecka short! The next chapter will be better and up sooner since this is more of a cliff hanger! Thanks for taking the time to read this! Love you guys <3

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