Chapter 3 : The Reunion .

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Chapter 3

When I awoke the next morning I picked up Miranda gently and moved her alittle . It was 4am and I

planned on taking her at 5.

I always wake up early if I go to bed early .

I sighed walking over to my computer and turning in on . I logged onto facebook to see that Sebastien accepted my friend request and sent me a message .

To: Rachel Anison ( yeah I used a fake name so my dad didnt try to add me )

From: Sebastien Mircado

" I dnt think we've met & I dnt hav tym to meet im srry but im busy tryin to find sumone and I doubt u can help. So I wuld appreciate if you tried not to hit on me , thanks "

( Reply ) ( Delete )

I looked at it again . The cocky bastard . And then hit reply.

To: Sebastien Mircado

From: Rachel Anison

" I knw exactly who ur lookin for . Do u think we can meet ? "

I pressed snd . I didnt say a time because I didnt know when he would probably get this.

I turned to get up when my computer dinged .

It was an I.M... From

Sebastien Mircado. Of course he would be up .

It read :

SM" 5 o'clock at the place my sister was taken. If you really know , then you will be there "

RA " you got it . See u ina few "

It was 4:21 and the park was quite far.

I took a quick shower and got dressed in kaki capris and a white tank.

Its now 4:34 .

I grab my keys gold purse and gold . Then go for Miranda.

I pick her up gently enough not to wake her . I unlock and open my door then walk out locking my door .

I was half way down the stairs when a voice stopped me

"Where do you think your going ?"....

"Without me " she finished .

I sighed in relief , " Let's go , hurry up "

She grabbed her slippers and walked downstairs in her pajamas.

We walked out the door and I locked it .

We walked to my car which was down the street . I hated parking in our driveway .

I got in the car and drove.


We soon arrived at 5:06 , well he could get over it.

I told Hailey to stay in the car while Miranda slept .

I walked over to the tree where my mama stood less than 24 hours ago.

I looked around but didnt see anyone.

" Eh hem " someone cleared their throat.

I turned around and faced the most beautiful eyes so far . They were a brown green and I just about died .

Dammit .. I know this guy.

" Great , its you " He spoke . His voice was deep and sexy just as I remembered .

" Well , im not too thrilled either " I say .

He sighed " This isnt about us , you know about my sister "

I nodded instead of speaking , my throat constricting .

" Well , what do you know ?!! "

I raised an eyebrow , ok guy talk to me like im crazy again , you fina get it , I say in my head .

I put my hand on my hip

" Who you gettin' outrageous with ?" I asked outraged myself .

He sighed then let out a breath through his nostrils in frustration .

" Ok , look im sorry , I just need my sister back ... Please "

His look was pleading and I kind of felt bad . I dropped my hand on my hip and nudged my head towards my car and walked to it while he eagerly followed .

When we got to the car Hailey was playing with Miranda . But when she saw Sebastien she squeeled jumping out of the car.

She jumped into his arms and he held her close .

I smiled , glad I could help .

I got in my car and started it.

" How could I ever repay you " he asked.

I rolled my window down further .

" Getting her home is enough " I reply .

" Thanks Rachel " he says .

Hailey and Miranda snicker

" what ?" He asks clueless . Hes so cute...

" Thank you Nicole " Miranda says smiling .

Sebastien smiles " Thanks ... Nicole "

I smile and nod .

" See you on facebook Nicole " he said

" I dont really go on my facebook " I say shifting gears to reverse.

" Well you better start "

" Mmm , na not likely "

He put Miranda down and leaned against my car.

" Soo , .. Can I atleast get your phone number ?" He asked

" I dont see how that would do you any justice "

" And why not " he says , leaning his face in closer .

" Because I dont have a phone " I whisper , then back out and and head in the direction of my house .


:) twice in one day !

Soo what you guys think ??

How do Sebastien &&' Nicole know eachother ?

And why didnt they know eachothers names ?

Hmm ..

Vote , Comment , Rate !

And dont sleep with jeans its bad for the crotch !

Pics comin up soon !

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