Chapter Six

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Camila figured her cries for help were no use when no one appeared. She could see see the tip of the sun, barely as it was about to dip below the horizon.

"Dinah." Camila pleaded helplessly. When no one answered, as expected, Camila flailed her arms uselessly around in the air. She yanked and pulled at her ankle, but it wouldn't budge. Finally she gave up, tears forming in the corners of her eyes.


An odd silence hung in the air. Camila had just woken up from her horrible nights sleep, if you could even consider it sleep. She rested her eyes every few seconds before reopening them and digging into the ground beneath her ankle. Hey fingernails were covered in dirt and grime. The smell of morning dew filled Camila's nose and and she sat, watching the fog wisp away in the wind.

That was when she heard it. A voice. The voice.

"Camila?" Dinah asked worriedly. Dinah had been waiting in Camila's room for her to return, but to her surprise, she never did. Dinah almost screeched when she saw the position the smaller girl was in; one foot caught under a tree limb, the other outstretched beside her. Her arms propping her up and her head hanging low.

"D- Dinah?" Camila called out, her mind suddenly filling with hope.

"Yes it's me... I'm right here." Camila looked to her right and saw a worried Dinah.

"Please help me." Camila's bottom lip quivered as pain shot up her left leg.

"I- sorry I'm helping." Dinah tugged hard at the fallen tree.

"It won't bud- I'm sure I can get it just a second." Dinah saved herself when she noticed the Camila was beginning to cry.

"Does it hurt?" She asked, letting go of the large object and positioning herself beside Camila. She nodded softly as a tear rolled down her cheek.

"I'm sorry Chancho..." Dinah wrapped her arm around her.

"Now, lemme see if I can get it okay?" Dinah looked Camila right into her eyes and almost felt her heart break at the mixture of emotions she saw. Dinah clenched her jaw and stood up, gripping the log and pulling at it with all her might. She couldn't help but to blame herself for this situation. It was her idea to send Lauren flowers.

When the tree didn't move, she walked over to Camila's side and kicked it, she kicked it so hard, the log rolled until it was stopped by another tree. Dinah helped Camila to her feet.

"We need to get you to a hospital." She suggested but Camila stopped her.

"No, no way. My parents'll wonder what I was doing in the woods and I don't have time to explain it all. They won't believe me anyway."

"But your foot! It could be broken!" Dinah gestured towards Camila's mangled foot.

"Can't you just heal it? You're an angel!"

"I wish I could but I can't... I haven't earned that privilege yet." Dinah bit the inside of her cheek.

"You need to go to the hospital, just make up a stupid excuse as to why you were in the woods." Dinah said. When Camila hesitantly stepped forward, Dinah scooped her up into her arms and began walking. Camila giggled slightly.


Dinah waited patiently for Camila outside of her room.

"Thanks doc..." She heard Camila say from the other side. Moments later the door swung open and out came Camila, a pink cast on her ankle and crutches tucked under her arms.

"Are you ready to go?" Camila nodded and Dinah started off towards the door. When she noticed that she smaller girl wasn't following, she turned around.

"What's up?" Dinah put her arm around her. Camila just shook her head again and pushed herself forward.

Once they reached the outside of the building, Dinah questioned Camila again.

"You okay chancho?"

"Do I look okay? I'm walking around with crutches for fucks sake!" Dinah through her hands up in the air, as if surrendering.

"Whoa sorry I just wanted to know..." Dinah spoke softly.

"Sorry... I'm just worried." Camila inhaled sharply.


"What if she doesn't like the flowers? What if she never falls in love with me and I'm stuck with you for the rest of my life?" Camila said dramatically.

"Ouch..." Dinah sighed.

"Sorry I didn't mean to offend you or anything, I'm just hoping that Lauren will finally-"

"Hey Camila? What happened?"

Of course... Dinah thought to herself as Lauren ran up to Camila.

"Oh I tripped and fell down the stairs... you know me haha super clumsy." Camila laughed nervously.

"Oh I'm sorry to hear that, I got your flowers by the way, and I thought it was really sweet." Lauren sent Camila a toothless smile.

"Oh uh you did." Camila laughed again.

Awkward... Dinah grunted.

"Oh hey um I have to go... See you around?" Lauren bit her lip.

As if she's gonna- Dinah's thoughts were interrupted by a squealing Camila.

"She liked the flowers Dinah! She really liked them!" Camila bounced on her one good leg.

"That's great Chanch... So I guess we should get you home yeah?" Dinah said.

"We? I think I can walk myself home." Camila giggled. Dinah's smile faltered and she sighed.

"Whatever you say babe." Dinah cupped her hands over her mouth after she realized what had slipped out of her mouth. Camila laughed.

"I like that nick-name. See you tomorrow cheechee." Camila waved her off and began pushing herself home.

a/n: ahskdjcudjskskej this is moving too fast

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