chapter 1 The Albrecht Manor

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Hey everyone! um so, this is the first chapter of my story and it basically tells you nothin. :P but hopefully it'll get better. vote and leave a review..pleez :P


I gawked at the gate in front of me. I had spent 6 hours in the airport enduring very patiently a delay in my flight and flown from London to the garbage of a place and it didn't even have the decency to unlock and let me through? The smell of the grimy rusted gate did not help lower the feeling of disgust I felt. Scrunching my nose and pulling my lips back I tried again. I put the key inside the lock and frantically twisted and turned it. Nop. No luck. "Open sesame?", No. Didnt work.

It was pouring cats and dogs and I was completely drenched. my luggage consisted of five huge suitcases all of which were now half soiled in brown mud. I couldn't  careless. There was no one around for miles and I was stuck in this rain with a huge manor right  in front of me and did I mention the enormous forest  literally flanking the manor? 

I looked up at the 20 feet tall gate. Maybe I could climb in? Nah. With a shivering hand I took my cellphone out and switched it on. Ten missed calls from dad. Great. I tapped on "Dad" and at the first ring he picked up the phone.

"hey how's my favourite girl in the whole wide world doing in her manor?'', Answered a very happy Dad. I needed to convince my Dad to get me out of here. And I did what any sensible 'daddy's girl'  would do in my place. I bursted into tears.

"Daddy please. Just get me out of here. Its horrible. The gate wouldn't even open and its raining!  I want to come home to you. I even promise never ever to complain when you eat those worms for dinner. I promise!" I coughed to add a little effect and  sneezed as if on cue.

"Lis, I've raised you since you were a baby and for 24 years i've been by your side. You didnt think I'd know when you fake cry?", Said my Dad, amused. Guh. So much for bursting into tears.

"Alright, fine. But its true! I cant get in! And Dad, the forest!  What about bears? What if your favourite daughter in the whole world gets eaten by a bear? Dad?!"

"Dont be such a drama queen Lis. And you're my only daughter. As for bears, they  dont come out into the streets so unless you go in there, you're fine," Dad said chuckling.

"Thats not helping Dad," I said, deadpanned.

"And about the lock, twist it two times and two times only"

"Thats exactly what I did."

"Just try it again with a little more patience, yeah?"

I sighed and stood in front of those intimidating gates once again. This time entering the key I twisted it less frantically. With a 'click' it opened. Well what do you know, it worked.

"Thanks dad. It worked." I said, relief crystal clear in my voice.

"Thats my girl. Now listen, Mrs Hullen will come to take care of you in the morning so dont worry. Everything is going to be fine. I'm very proud of you for doing this Lis."

"Thanks Dad I love you"

"I love you too darling. Take care"

"You too dad"

The phone went off. Dragging my things in the most indecent way possible, i walked into my humble abode.


little did lisa know that the moment she let herself through those gates, her future had changed for the better or the worst.

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