Chapter One

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Author's Note: Hello there! Sarah here. Please vote and comment! Tell me what you think? The cover photo was made by @DancerAnne! Check her out, she's awesome! Anyway, enjoy!

I walked through the University doors, out into the fresh air. I made my way across the stone pathway, toward the parking lot. I passed the few college students who were chatting with friends. Friends, I need some. 

I reached my black 2012 Honda truck and hopped in. I started the car and pulled out of the parking lot, headed to my apartment. I turned on the radio and bobbed my head to the pop music. It didn't take me long to reach my apartment, maybe five minutes? I parked the car and headed up the apartment stairs. I unlocked my door and walked in. 

The place was small, but decent. The walls were white and decorated with a few family portraits and some of my art work. The living room and small kitchen were joined together to make a big room. To my left was a hallway which held two rooms and a bathroom. I walked down the hall, toward my room.

I set my bag, which I had been carrying, next to my desk and made my way to my full sized bed. I plopped down on it, head on my pillow. I closed my eyes. It was only three o'clock but I was already exhausted. I had stayed up late the night before, working on an assignment. 

I am studying to be an artist. I love painting, have ever since I was a kid. I had a big painting I turned in today. The assignment was to oil paint a historical scene. I chose to paint the American Indians on The Trail of Tears. My teacher seemed to like it. I wouldn't get my grade in till tomorrow, probably. It was one of those works that took awhile, seeing I had to wait for the different layers of paint to dry. But, I didn't mind. I am in love with painting.

The mere fact that we can look at something and copy it down so close to the image in our head is unbelievable. And the way the colors can express moods, it's breath-taking. Art is so beautiful.

I opened my eyes when I felt a vibration in my blue jean shorts; my phone. I pulledl it out and checked to see who's texting. It's my boss. I read the text.

"Sorry I am just now getting back to you. Yes, you can come in at four instead of five today."

 I looked at the time, it's 3:22 pm. "I needed to get ready then if i'm going in at four," I thought to myself.

I worked at a restaurant, in the city of Springfield, Missouri. I have an early class tomorrow, which isn't usual. Something came up with the Professor and the class was changed to a different time, just this once. I had talked to my boss about coming in a couple hours earlier, today. 

I slipped on some black pants for work along with the restaurant T-shirt. I slipped on some converses and tied my dirty blonde hair back into a ponytail. I grabbed my purse and my keys. I walked out of my room, through the front room and out the door. I locked the house up and made my way to my car. I got in, started it up, and drove off.

About ten minutes later I arrived at work. I used the back entrance and clocked in. I slipped on my apron full of paper, pens, and straws; signaling I am a waitress. I gave a small smile to my co-workers who noticed me coming in. I made my way to the front door to look at which section of tables I got.

"Hello, Rose," said the girl standing there.

"Hey, Cindy. What's up?"

"Ah, just waiting to seat people."

"Mmm, can I see the chart?" She handed me the chart containing the list of tables I'll be in charge of. I looked it over. "Thanks."

"No problem," she said. A few people came in and I go back to the kitchen, waiting for my section to fill up. I don't wait long. The place suddenly gets crowded and I am called to serve.

I worked for a few hours, taking orders and serving the people. I stopped in the kitchen to cover a yawn before taking the food to a table. I stepped out of the kitchen and only made it a few steps before I stopped.

Standing in front of me is my Ex from high school. He's just as I remembered him: Dark brown hair, gray eyes, a cocky grin. My stomach does a back-flip. I hadn't seen him in over three years. "No," I thought to myself, "You are over this guy. Move on." I gained my composure and moved on to serve.

I didn't allow myself anymore glances at him, but soon I realized, he's in my section. "Crap, so cliche!" I thought to myself. I finally made my way over to them. "Stay calm. Stay calm." I ran those words through my head, trying to do as they said.

"Hello, my name is Rose. I'll be your waitress, can I get you anything?" I scanned the faces of the boys there. I noticed three other guys with him. They were all staring me up and down, checking me out. 'Get a life,' I thought to myself.

"Rose?" asked Nate. 

"Hey," I said giving a small smile. His friends eyes shot towards Nate. Giving him a look that said, 'wait, you know her?'

"How have you been?" He smiled at me, flashing those straight white teeth.

I took a deep breath. "Been alright."

"Good," he said.

I nodded, "So can I get you guys something to drink?"

"Oh, yeah. Um, three beers." Nate said.

"Be back in a few." I walked off to get the drinks.

An hour or so passed, and the boys were still there. They hadn't said much more to me, except about their orders and all. It was odd seeing Nate. After the break-up in our senior year of high school...I stop. I hadn't thought about the past, with him, very much. I tried to ignore the thoughts. They always brought back feelings of sadness and anger.

Nate and I had broken up over something really stupid. But, it was a time when some harsh things were said. You see, he and I broke up because of rumours. We both heard, from around school,  rumours about each other cheating. I didn't trust him, and he didn't trust me. The rumours got so big that it was hard to trust him. I regretted that I didn't.

We broke up after prom...and the rest of the year had been terrible. After graduation, he left town to..well...I don't know what he did. But, I went to college, and tried to forget about him. It had been over three years, making me, now, a senior in college. If only I had trusted him, things could have gone better. I mean, he would have had to choose to trust me as well. But, yeah.

I looked at the clock. My shift was about to end in a couple minutes. I looked back at the boys, who were the last people in my section. They were slowly rising from their table, obviously calling it a night. "Yes. Since they are leaving, I can check out." I thought to myself. I took off my apron and clocked out. I grabbed my purse and dug out my keys, making my way outside to the parking lot. 

I approached my vehicle and was about to hop in when I heard,

"Hey, Rose!"

I looked over to see Nate walking toward me. "Oh, hey."

He gave me a smile, "Want to hang out sometime?"

The question surprised me. "Um, yeah. Sure. Text me." I pulled out a pen and wrote my number on his arm. He smiled and backed off.

"Will do. See ya, Rose."

I smiled, "Bye."

I hopped into my truck and started the engine. "Wow," I thought to myself. "I'm going to hang out with Nate. I wonder how that will turn out..."

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