Chapter 2

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~Skyla's POV~

I open my eyes, today is a new day, the day we plan our brilliant escape. I look to my left, and smile. Willow peacefully sleeps next me, her arms wrapped around my torso. So very, peaceful..."Willow.." I whisper. She stirs, but pulls me closer, and stays asleep. I roll my eyes, fuck it. "WILLOW WAKE UP!" She screeches pulling back from, me. I laugh uncontrollably.

"You prick!" She growls punching me in the arm. I wipe a fake tear away. "You're just so easy to scare." "Yeah well you're a fucking prick, get out of my bed." I giggle. "Love you too." She pushes me of her bed.

"What time is it anyways?" She ask rubbing her eyes. I check my phone. "It's 8:47." She moans and flops face down onto her pillow.

"Your a jerk, today is my sleep day, go away.." She moans into her pillow. I laugh. "Okay, miss messy hair. I guess you don't want to escape this hell hole." She drags herself out of bed. "And I'm up." She laughs. "So got any idea of how we'll get out without being caught?" She asks putting her glasses on and stretching. I look at her, random thoughts come to mind, and then I get an idea.

"The window." I say, a smile appearing on my face as I point to it. "How are we gonna use the window?" She asks, rolling her eyes at me "We open it and jump down" I say going over to the window and opening it. "But Miss Wickerbottom checks on us all the time. When could we possiblely leave. And even if we could figure that out, she'll know were gone."

I was stumped, Willow was right. There was no way we could escape and have enough time to run far enough away, her security guards would easily find us within the first 15 minutes. Unless.. "Martyn!" Willow suddenly says.

"Yes, that's genius. We can use some of the tricks we learned in The Escapists series he did." I respond. "So will need bed dummies." "And security keys!" Willow laughs. "I don't think so, but will need rope."

"Pssh, we don't need rope, were only on the second floor will live if we jump." Willow rolls her eyes at my recklessness. "Okay, but we'll need our backpacks to store our clothes and electronics and stuff." "That I agree one. So- Wait do you hear that?" Willow looks towards the door. "Someone's coming." We stop talking immediately. The door knob turns and Miss Wickerbottom stands there.

"Ahh, Marchs I trust you slept well?" She says looking at me with disgust or something. "We slept fine, Mam." Willow speaks up. "Well that's a good thing, I'm surprised that you two could sleep together like that." I turn a light pink with anger. "You watched us sleep?!" She clears her throat and looks away from me.

"I came to see how you were doing after the adoption. Are you sure your okay?" She's trying to be nice.. Trying too damn hard. "Were fine, mam." We respond in unison.

"Okay well enjoy your next two days off, remember to come to breakfast and diner, we don't want you to starve." She waves and closes the door behind her. I rush over to the door. I hear her whisper. "Stupid brats, they'll be gone soon though." Before she walks off down the hallway.

"Wow.." I say stepping away from the door. "What a bitch." I finish. I turn to face Willow but she hits me in the face with her pillow. Her glasses are off again, so she's practically blind. "Fight me." She challenges. I giggle and grab my pillow hitting her back. We fight for an half an hour before we get tired and flop onto our beds. She puts her glasses back on, and sighs. "So the plan?" I try to inquire. She moans loudly. "How 'bout breakfast first?"

"Fine, but then no more procrastination." She smiles and sits up, coming over to me. Grabbing my hand she drags me down stairs to get breakfast. When we get to the kitchen, we see Stacy or as we are supposed to call her, Miss Amber. But she dosen't give a shite either way.

"Hey, Stacy!" We say together. "Hey girls.." She whispers. She was never one for talking, so whenever she does it comes as a whisper. "Pancakes will be ready soon.." She whispers flipping another pancake. We take a seat and the dining hall, and within the next 45 seconds Stacy comes in with our pancakes.

"Thanks Stacy, your the best." I say. "Thank you Stacy!" Willow says. "Please enjoy.." She nods and backs out of the room. I cut up my pancake into bit and eat it with a fork and knife politely. I look up at Willow whos across from me. She held a pancake shaped like a face in front her own face, making werid noises.

I giggle at her, and do the same thing. Miss Wickerbottom, finally comes in and sees us. "Girls!" She shouts. "Please eat the food normally.." She sighs and leaves. We giggle and finish up our breakfast.

After we finish breakfast we go back to our room and we start working on the plan for tonight we put all our personal stuff (electronics, clothes, etc) into two bags which we put under Willow's bed we then start working on everything else we need for our escape. "We need two bed dummies." Willow whispers absent minded.

"That's going to be a problem" I say biting my nail. I think about what we could use and then it comes to me. "The empty rooms." I say smiling. "What empty rooms? They're all locked." Willow says crossing her arms "Well the kids who got adopted yesterday will still have they're old rooms unlocked, so we can grab some pillows and blankets from there." I say smiling.

"That's a great idea." She says nodding. So Willow and I end up going down to the younger kids rooms, and get four pillows and two blankets from the now empty rooms. We managed to get back to our room unseen, sneaking in like ninjas.

"So how are we supposed to do this?" Willow asks. "I say we do it now, it's 18:00 already. Let's make the bed dummies, grab our bags, and hop out the window, then we start running as fast as possible." I look out the window. "It's going to rain soon, we have to do this now." I look back to Willow, who looks a bit distraught. "You okay Willow?"

"What if we can't find him in time? What if we get lost?" She pouts. "Willow look this isn't like a game, we haven't got a time limit, and we won't get lost. I know Bristol like the back of my hand," I say smiling and putting my arm around her. She nods and sniffles. "Okay let's do this." We prepare our bed dummies, and grab our bags.

"I'll go first." I open the window and jump down, landing on some old trash bags and boxes. I stand up and brush myself off. Not even a scratch. "I'm scared, I don't want to jump it's too high." I roll my eyes. "I'll catch you then. You have to do it though, it's now or never." She throws her bag down first. "Ready?" She calls. "Yep." I say holding my arms out, just incase. "Geronimo!" Willow says before pushing out the window. She screeches a bit, but calms once she falls directly into my arms.

"Really? Was it that bad?" I giggle. "You know, I'm afraid of heights." She says, slipping out of my arms, and grabbing her bag. "Come on, Willow. Let's get a move on. It's going to rain, so lets go." I say starting down a road that leads into the inner-city."Coming!" She calls, catching up and intertwining her fingers with mine.

A/N: The escape has happened, hold on to your butts. You won't expect what's to come. :3

~Willow and Skyla

The Home we Never Knew we Needed (A Yogscast/Hatfilms/Area 11 Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now