Part 9

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-Sasuke's POV-

It's Monday morning and everything was normal.

At least that's what I think it is.

But, Itachi seemed colder than usual.

He seems unapproachable these recent days.

I just shrugged that thought off my mind.

It was time to go to school now.

"I'm off to school now!" I called out and went off to school.

But, I couldn't seem to get Itachi's cold deamour off my mind.

I decided to talk thing through with Sakura and Naruto.

So, I quickly came into my usual noisy classsroom.

But, the second my butt hit my chair fangirls came crowding in my place like I was some celebrity or idol or something.

-sigh- Yup, this is my normal life in school.

But, now, I've gotta talk about my problem with Sakura and Naruto. 

I can't take all my reactions and problem in any longer!

I scanned the room for Sakura.

Finally I saw her talking to Naruto. 

They were at the far side of the classroom talking to each other.

I felt a wave of jealousy wash against me.

Honestly, I hate to admit it but, the first time I met Sakura I had a crush on her instantly.

But, I NEED to talk to her NOW no matter what.

Maybe with Naruto too.

So, I made my way out of my pesky fangirls and finally arrived.

Phew! Some workout!

"Hey Sasuke!" greeted Sakura when she saw me.

"What's up?" asked Naruto.

"I just really want to talk about something really important," I replied.

"Ok sure, go ahead," said Sakura patting a seat beside her.

So, I sat there and told them all about my problem and my feelings toward it.

Itachi's cold attitude.

It bothered me so greatly that I wasn't able to concentrate properly all day.

Sakura and Naruto seemed to realize it too.

The 3 of us met up ppin front of school.

"I think we should accompany you home Sasuke," said Sakura.

Naruto nodded in response.

"Thanks guys," I smiled at them gratefully.

"Well what are we waiting for?" said Naruto.

"Yeah, let's go!" answered Sakura.

So we ran to my house.

Mom was there and welcomed us cheerfully.

"Well, for goodness sake, it's Sakura and Naruto," she exclaimed.

I'm really happy that Mom accepted Naruto as my friend because not all parents would approve of that.

"Good day!" they both greeted.

"So what bring you all here?" she asked.

Sakura gave me look that said: ' Should I tell her?'

I shook my head to say no.

Because if she knew I would have another session of "counseling" from my Mom.

"We just wanted to visit you that's all," said Sakura.

"I'm sure glad to see you 2," said Mom.

"Why is that?" asked Naruto.

"Sasuke is really happy when both are you with him," said Mom.

Why is she even telling them this?

"So, I want the 3 of you will be best friends forever whatever happens okay?" my Mom smiled.

"Of course we will!" exclaimed Naruto and Sakura in unison.

"Alright that's a lifetime promise okay?" my Mom laughed.

"Yeah, it will be a lifetime promise," I answered eagerly.

"You got that right," agreed Sakura.

"Believe it!" Naruto raised his fist in the air.

I really think we could keep this promise.

Or couldn't we?


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