chapter two. - the arrival.

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Sorry for the late update. I didn't want to continue if noone was going to read. but i have been getting a few comments and a message from you very awesome fans and I just haaad to update for you. This new chapter is kind of short, but it gets you up to date with everyone's fav couple. ♥ if you have any suggests, please comment! :DDD 

updating soon. 

allie ♥.


Chapter Two

This was the second time I'd been here. The second chance I have to make all my wrongs right here in Siberia. The first time I'd come, was to track down and kill the strigoi who was formerly known as Dimitri Belikov. I was not honest of my true intentions for why I was there, but I had been the only one to bear the bad news of Dimitri's fate to the Belikova family. 

When we finally arrived in Siberia, I felt a stir of emotions. Each one seemed more uneasy as the progression of thoughts kept coming and coming with no end. Dimitri seemed to notice my uneasy emotions and spoke lovingly to the woman he loves and said "Don't worry my Roza. Don't worry I am here with you. My family will accept you." 

How could he say that? How could he? After all, this is the family that housed me, fed me, and cared for me. What had I done in return? Look down upon them before meeting them for their lifestyle? Tore apart Vikoria's love/sex life? Left without any word? And worst of all, I'd told them of what their dear Dimka had been turned into. How could they ever forgive me for shattering their world? I didn't let Dimitri see this conflict, so I force a grin and replied "I hope so."

We were on the road heading to Dimitri's family village in Baia, a village of what our people call "bloodwhores." Bloodwhores are dhampir girls who have sex with Moroi men and allow them to drink blood from them while aroused. It was consided dirty and sleazy. A taboo of such. But from my last visit, I could see that not all women subjectified into this life were the way I'd always believed. Trust me, I'd seen some and even stopped Viktoria from becoming a future bloodwhore in the making--at least I'd hoped I had. 

With my focus being only on myself, I'd failed to realize how Dimitri must be feeling. Of couse he loves his family and was excited to see them, but he still felt a bit of uneasiness tugging at the back of his mind. He knows that they knew about his transformation into a strigoi. Had they known about his restoration or even his stort-lived days as a fugitive? Was he just someone they had thought was a lost cause? What would they think of him? 

As I was about to say "Dimitri, they are your family and will love you unconditionally no matter who you are or what you are," the car suddenly came to a hault. 

This was it. We were here. What would happen next? We both had fears of rejection from his family. But as soon as the door opened before we even got to knock, our worries deepened. 

Olena Belikova opened the door, wided eyes that shown with amazement, disbelief, and heartbeak. After a long, tense silence, Olena finally spoke.

"Dimka? Dimka!" She said with her voice franticly seeking answers. "How is this possible? Is it really you?!"

Fighting back his tears, Dimitri replied "y-yes mama it is."

As her arms wrapped around Dimitri and tears streamed down her face, she finally open her eyes to take in her surrounding. Suddenly, her eyes widened as if she was seeing a ghost. But I soon realized what she had seen the had brought this look into her eyes--me.
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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2011 ⏰

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